☽︎Code Breaker☾︎

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Peter stands over the bloody and unconscious bodies of Y/n and Lydia, Stiles on his knees near them. Now that Peter has the information he wanted, he wants to go and take Stiles with him. "No, I'm- I'm not just letting you leave them here."

"You don't have a choice, Stiles. You're coming with me." He wipes the blood from his chin.

"Just kill me. Look, I don't care anymore."

Peter steps up to Stiles and puts his claw under the boys chin, making him stand up. "Call your friend." He lowers his hand. "Tell Jackson where they are. That's all you get." Knowing that this is the best he'll get Stiles pulls out his phone and calls Jackson, only telling him that the girls are badly hurt and that he needs to get them. Peter strides off and Stiles takes one more look at Y/n before he reluctantly follows the man.

Y/n stirs. Everything hurts. She shifts a bit and groans. She opens her eyes and they still glow their vibrant amythest, her magic already working to heal her. She carefully hovers her hands over the slashes to help speed it along enough for her to move. As soon as she's able she gets up and looks around. Stiles and Peter are gone, but Lydia is still here. "Lydia." She breathes and moves to check her over. She puts a hand on her head and sighs after a moment. She'll be alright.

Y/n looks up when she sees movement out of the corner of her eye from afar. Jackson is coming for them. She can't go to the hospital, she'll heal too fast and she doesn't want to deal with questions about that or her eyes. With a grunt of effort she stands and then, with a bit of assistance from her magic, she runs away and to the woods. Jackson will get Lydia help. For now she needs to help herself. Jackson doesn't see her leave, his focus on Lydia when he sees what state she's in and carries her back to the school for help.

Y/n keeps running until her legs give out and she collapses, leaning her back on a tree as she takes labored breathes. Her hands grip where she was impaled, slashes nearly done healing with only pink scars that will soon fade to nothing in another hour or so. She leans her head back, closing her eyes with a sudden dry sob. Everything is going so wrong and she blames herself. If she had just listened to her senses, Lydia might not have been hurt and Stiles wouldn't be God knows where with a psycho.



The blue Jeep speeds down the road, Stiles tense as he drives while Peter casually looks out the window from the passenger side. Stiles sighs and Peter looks over. "Don't feel bad. Your girlfriend will be healed soon enough." He says nonchalantly.

"You don't know that. You didn't bite her." But his mind goes to her eyes.

"The Bite would do nothing for someone like her."

"What do you mean 'someone like her'?" Stiles doesn't understand but he can guess that maybe Y/n isn't human like he thought.

Peter just gives him a smile not intending to answer him and Stiles lets it go with another sigh. "You know, if the red head lives, she'll become a werewolf. She'll be incredibly powerful."

"Yeah, and once a month, she'll go out of her freaking mind and try to tear people apart."

"Well, actually, considering that she's a woman... Twice a month." Stiles looks over at him in disbelief, very much not appreciating the joke. They eventually pull into a parking garage. They get out and Peter quickly rounds the car to grab Stiles by his collar and pull him along. He stops at the back of a car a few spaces down and Peter pulls keys from his pocket.

"Whose car is this?"

"It belonged to my nurse." Peter simply replies as he starts to open the trunk.

"What happened to your n- oh, my God!" Stiles jumps back when the trunk is opened and the body of Jennifer is revealed. Peter grabs the bag from under her arm and hands it to Stiles, the teen too stunned to look away.

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