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(I made this GIF just for this ÚwÙ I spent a while on it, making it quite a few times, to get it just right and I'm very happy with how it turned out

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(I made this GIF just for this ÚwÙ I spent a while on it, making it quite a few times, to get it just right and I'm very happy with how it turned out. I thought it would be a fun little addition to the season 2 chapters of this story ☺️ I might make more for the future seasons as well)

(Edit: I remade the gif, added a watermark to it and made it better in my opinion with the skills I have now :))


Y/n sits in one of the chairs near Lydia's hospital room, Stiles' head in her lap. With one hand she gently runs her fingers over his buzzcut hair as he sleeps and plays with her phone in the other. The smiley-face filled 'Get Well!' balloon bobs in the air, it's ribbon anchored to his wrist. She looks down at him as he starts to mumble and talk in his sleep. "Oh... Just like that. No, no, you first." His brows raise in surprise. "Me first?" He gets a dopey smile and snickers before it fades and he snores a bit.

Y/n quirks a brow and smirks down at him amusedly. "What are you dreaming?" She muttered to herself.

Mr. Martin comes out of Lydia's room and sees the two teens. Stiles was now kissing air as Y/n carefully took a picture to make fun of him for later. He gets Melissa's attention and points to them. "They've been here all night?" He asked.

"She's been here all weekend and he comes in to keep her company." She responds and he looks at her a bit surprised.

Y/n glances over as a nurse comes near to change out the bag in the trash bin. "You're dirty." Stiles suddenly talks again in his sleep making the nurse jump a bit. Y/n snickers as he kisses air again and she's mildly tempted to see herself what he's dreaming. She dismisses it though because magic like that is tiring and plus the noise the nurse made woke him. He blinks in a daze. When he sees Y/n smiling at him he hastily sits up, smacking the balloon away when it bumped his face.

"Did you sleep well?" She asked with a slight smirk.

"Uh, y-yeah. Yeah, I did."

She nodded. "That's good."

He nodded and got up, taking the balloon off of his wrist and gave it to her to hold before going around the corner to the vending machine. He yawned as he fished around his pocket for change. Once he made his decision he put the money in and pressed the correct buttons. The machine pushed the Reese's candy forward but it got caught on the coil. He sighed. He pressed the buttons again but it wouldn't budge. "Seriously? Come..." He bangs on the glass with his palm to try and shake it off but still nothing. He shook it a bit with still no results. "Y/n?" He called.

She came around the corner with her brows raised in question. "Yes?"

He pointed to the machine. "Can you help me get that?"


"You know, like..." He wiggled his fingers at the machine. "Your cool mind thing you do?"

She squinted her eyes a bit and lowered her voice. "You want me to use magic to get you candy?"

Just a Feeling (Stiles x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now