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A teenager is running through the woods, running from someone. He stumbles and falls down a dirt hill. When he hits bottom he looks up and sees a silver stake in the ground with a glowing top. An emitter. He covers his ears as the high pitched tone blares right next to him and he rushes away again. Hunters are looking for their prey. The teen covers his ears again and glances at another emitter stuck in a tree. He runs away from that one and bumps into another young man.

They take a moment to assess each other. "You're a Hale, aren't you?" The young man asks.

The teenaged Derek Hale doesn't get a chance to answer as an arrow is suddenly lodged into the young man's throat from behind. He instantly dies and falls to the ground, revealing a Hunter with a crossbow aiming at Derek now. The bolt is let loose, but a half shifted younger Peter catches it before it can plant itself in Derek's chest. Peter throws the bolt down, grabs Derek, and hightails it out of there.

Gerard and Chris, with a band of Hunters, come to the woung wolf's body. The young man had killed two Hunters. Chris orders them to find the others and to take them alive saying that they follow the code. They spread out and survery the area with flashlights. The beams seep through the gaps in a wooden door. The door leads to an old root cellar where Peter and Derek are hiding.

"They were there for two days, waiting, hiding." Cora stands by the window in Derek's loft, the rain that falls starts to wash away the Alpha pack symbol painted on the outside of the panes of glass. "That's what we're taught to do when the Hunters find us- hide and heal." Y/n gives a small hum of agreement. She's been taught similiar things, especially since her kind were a little more rare than your average wolf.

"Okay, so is two days standard, then, or are we thinking Derek's on, like, some extended getaway?" Stiles questioned.

"Why do you care?"

"Why do I care? Let's see- because over the last few weeks, my best friend's tried to kill himself. His boss and my girlfriend nearly got ritually sacrificed. A girl that I've known since I was three was ritually sacrificed. Boyd was killed by Alphas. I- do you want me to keep going? 'Cause I can, all right? For, like, an hour."

"Easy there, tiger. It's gonna be okay." Y/n took his hand and gently ran her thumb over his knuckles in a calming way. It worked as his shoulders became less tense and he fidgeted just a little less.

"You think Derek can do anything about that?"

"Well, since he's the one everyone seems to be after, it's more like he should do something about it, yeah."

"I don't know. There's something different about him now. He wasn't like this when we knew him."

"What was he like?" Y/n wondered.

Peter comes down the stairs then. "A lot like Scott, actually. A lot like most teenagers- unbearably romantic, profoundly narcissistic, tolerable really only to other teenagers."

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