☽︎A Promise to the Dead☾︎

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Stiles lays on his back, light snores escaping his slightly open mouth while he sleeps. Y/n is sat on her legs next to him as she tries to coax him awake for the day. "Stiles." She calls, not recieving an answer. "Stiles~" She tries again while gently poking him, yet that also doesn't work. "Stiles!" She firmly shakes his arm, this time barely getting a tired 'hmm' out of him. "You've got an early practice today, remember?" He lightly grunts in affirmation. "If you don't get in some practice before the big game tomorrow, you're gonna complain that you suck, again."

"Not gonna suck." He mumbles groggily.

"We're supposed to take Malia to school early, too, so she can get a bit more studying for her math test." He starts to roll over as she continues to talk. "It's gonna determine whether she gets to be a senior with us. Stiles!" He now has his back to her and she huffs, trying to think of something that would wake him up. After a minute she smirked. She carefully leaned over him and pressed her lips to his cheek. Stiles stirred as she trailed soft kisses down his neck, and then he hummed when she gently nipped at his earlobe, her lips ghosting over the shell of his ear. His head turned towards her and she dipped down to kiss him properly.

"Mmm." He hummed after a moment and pulled away to look at her. "I appreciate the wake up call, but I haven't brushed my teeth yet."

Y/n smiled and shrugged a shoulder. "I don't really care. But neither have I, so we're even." He huffed a small laugh before kissing her again.

The day went by uneventfully, a rare occasion that everyone tried to enjoy. Malia passed her math test with a C-, yet got an F in Economics in which Lydia promised to send her notes for. Lydia couldn't shake the feeling that something was still coming, that someone was still going to die. Kira tried to help her, assuring her that the computers were off, there was no more dead pool, no more assassins, and that no one was dying. All Lydia responded with was 'not yet'. Y/n did her best to comfort Lydia, not dismissing her feeling, but promising they would figure it out soon.

That night Malia, Y/n, and Stiles were hanging out in his room when Noah walked in with a knock on the doorjamb. "Drop what you're doing. I'm taking you three out to dinner. Whatever you want."

"Dad, I don't think a man of your debts should be treating anyone to anything." Stiles spoke up.

"Well, there's one debt we no longer have to worry about." He pulled a letter from his pocket.

"What is that?" Stiles took the letter to skim it over.

"A letter of apology from Eichen House."

"Apparently, they've decided to forgive our debt due to, uh... Well, you and Lydia almost getting murdered."

"They can do that?" Malia asked.

"They can do it and they did it." He smiled.

"I have never been so happy to have almost been murdered." Stiles said as he set the paper down.

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