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It's funny how fast things can change in one night. What was once something big in Y/n's mind, now seemed trivial in the grand scheme of things. Yes, she was hurt and upset with the people who kept the truth about Peter from her, but after everything that happened the night before, she was done being hurt and upset. She always knew that tomorrow wasn't promised, but she got a firm reminder about it, in the form of almost being burned alive. She didn't want to let any bitterness she had keep her from time with the people she cared about.

"Alan?" Y/n called when she walked into her house. Derek and Braeden had taken care of the guards while Y/n, Malia, Scott, and Liam had gotten cleaned up, making sure to get the gas off of them. The sun was starting to rise as Scott took her home and she was hoping Alan hadn't left for the clinic yet. There was some things she wanted to say.

"In the kitchen." He called. When she entered the room she saw him drying his hands with a dish towel, probably from washing a dish that he ate breakfast out of. He looked at her and smiled as he set the towel on the counter. "Hey, how was the bonfire?" Without answering she closed the distance and wrapped her arms around him. He was surprised by the action but still reciprocated the hug. "Hey, what's wrong? Did something happen?"

She shook her head as she hugged him tighter. "That doesn't matter right now. I just wanted to say I'm not mad anymore, and I understand why you never told me about Peter. I'm sorry I was ever upset in the first place."

"No, you don't need to apologize for that. It's natural for you to feel that way. It was a big surprise, I'm sure."

"Well, it's not so big anymore. And it's not the most important thing at the moment. I just need to tell you this. Please. Thank you for taking me in and caring for me. Thank you for being my father." Alan's eyes widened in surprise. Sure, she's called him 'dad' a handful of times, but she's never actually called him her father. He's always done his best to take care of M/n's daughter, raising her and loving her as if she were his own. As far as he was concerned, Y/n was his daughter.

Alan smiled and hugged her tighter. "It's my pleasure." After a moment longer in the embrace he put his hands on her shoulders and lightly pushed her back, making her loosen her grip and let her arms fall. "As much as I enjoy these moments, I know there's a reason behind it. What happened?"

She told him everything that had happened recently, including finding out Genevieve was dead, trying to figure out what Jordan was, the bonfire, and the encounter with the would-be assassins. "The dead pool is easier to get than ever now. Anyone who had access to a printer within the past 48 hours will have seen it."

"Which means anyone could be tempted to come after all of you."

She nodded. "Anything could happen to me, or to any of my friends and family. And it would kill me if I or one of them died and I had wasted all of this time avoiding everyone and not talking about it. I've already talked to Scott, I've talked to you, I just need to talk to Lydia."

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