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Alan fixes a needle to give a little dog some medicine. The doggo's owner grimaced over the object. "It's not gonna hurt him, is it?" He asked the vet.

"It's just a little pinch, Kyle. Nothing to worry about." Y/n assured him with a pat on the shoulder. She vaguely knew the highschool senior from the advanced art class she takes with his girlfriend, Ashley.

"I usually find that it's the owners..." Alan gives the pup the shot and Kyle winces. Alan gives him a smile. "Who feel the most pain. All right. Well, we'll just check the stool sample fo parasites, but my guess is that he probably just ate something he shouldn't have." Y/n went over to the table with Alan to help him while Scott picked up the little dog and sat him on the ground, him and Kyle crouching down to give the little guy some attention.

Scott noticed the dog tag naming him as Bullet. "Got a cool name." Scott complimented.

"He's got two brothers at home named Beretta and Trigger. Military family." Bullet lays on his back, letting Scott have access to his belly for scritches and rubs. "Looks like he knows who the alpha is." Scott looks up at him with a slightly startled look before chuckling. Alan glances thoughtfully at the wolf before sharing a look with Y/n who raises her brow in intrest.

Kyle takes Bullet and leaves the clinic while Alan gave Scott the duty of seeing if there was anything amiss in the sample. He donned gloves and examined it with a pair of tweezers. He does indeed see something when he picks something out. "Found something."

"Rinse it off." Alan instructs and Y/n sets a water bottle next to her friend. Scott does as asked as the two watched over his shoulder.

Y/n frowned a bit as she subconsiously leaned away from the white berry Scott found. "What is it?" He asked Alan.

"Definitely poisonous... For the dog. Actually, for you as well."


"Mistletoe." Y/n said and Scott looked at her small frown. "That is as harmful to my kind as woflsbane is to yours." Scott raised his brows at this new information.

"What happens?" He asked in curiosity.

She huffed a small breath. "I mean, I've never experienced it myself, all I know is what's in my grimoire, but, in small doses, I wouldn't be able to use my magic and I'd have considerable fatigue and weakness."

"That's just in small doses?" She nodded. "What happens if you get more than that?"

"Death." He seemed surprised by this. "I told you, Scott. Mistletoe is like the witches version of wolfsbane." They lapsed into silence when Alan asked them to clean up and close up for the night. Y/n had been putting a bottle into a cupboard when she felt it again. That heavy feeling that's become a shadow on her back. And it was right outside. She dashed out and Scott went to ask her what was wrong, but Bullet's barks reached his ears and he ran out too. Y/n reached the alley, but didn't see anything until a little shape scampered to her. She crouched down and picked up Bullet with a coo. "What's wrong, babes? Where's Kyle?" She looked around with Scott, but he was no where to be found, Bullet and his car left abandoned. Y/n frowned and couldn't help the idea of looking through Bullet's eyes to see what he saw. She held Bullet to where he faced her and her eyes glowed, the color reflected lightly in the dog's eyes. Her eyes closed as she put her head to his.

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