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Alan was in the living room when he heard the door open. Assuming it was Y/n he started talking to her. "Y/n, I thought you'd be staying at Lydia's tonight."

"Alan." Her voice, barely above a whisper, trembled and he looked up in worry. She was leaning heavily on the wall. "I... I did something." She started to collapse from exhaustion and he lept up to catch her before she made contact with the floor.

"Y/n. Y/n, look at me." Her head lolled back a bit but she managed to look at him with heavy lids. She was pale and her skin was coated with sweat. Her eyes flickered between e/c and purple, her magic trying to help her but she's burned herself out. "How much of your energy did you use?"

"Almost all."

"Come on. You need to rest." He lifted her up into his arms and carried her to the couch where he laid her down. She couldn't keep her eyes open. Alan quickly went to work to help her, making a drink that would help her regain some of her spent energy. The liquid was bitter but she still drank it when he put the cup to her lips. "What did you do?" He asked when she was a little rested.

"I practiced blood magic. I helped bring back Peter Hale." She tiredly admitted.

"Why would you do such a thing?" This isn't like her. She's insisted she wasn't ready for such powerful magic, why would she suddenly practice it?

"He spoke to me. He said it would prove to everyone that I'm not weak. That I was a powerful witch."

"Y/n." Alan sighed. "You don't need to perform such a dangerous ritual to prove your capabilities. You don't need to prove anything to anyone because you are powerful."

"I'm sorry."

Alan shook his head and gently ran his hand over her hair. "What's done is done. Just rest now."

"Derek. He's still at the Hale house."

"I'll take care of him. Rest." She slowly nodded and easily fell asleep. Bringing someone back from the dead was tiring. Meanwhile Alan went to the Hale house to help Derek.

Derek was unconscious, floating in a white nothingness. A voice started calling out to him. "Derek... can you hear me?" The voice was distorted, sounding normal one second and then painfully slow the next, overlapping each other. "Derek... can you hear me? I need you to answer me Derek." A high pitched sound slowly faded into his ears following the voice. "We don't have much time." It suddenly became too much and Derek squeezed his eyes shut with his hands over his ears.

Derek gasped awake on the floor of the Hale house, Alan crouched near him. He slowly got up. "That sound... What was it?" Alan held up a dog whistle and smiled making Derek scoff. Derek stood up and stumbled, Alan quickly helping to steady him.

"You're gonna be weak for several hours."

Derek looked at his arm where the puncture marks still reside, his and Y/n's blood still staining his skin. He then noticed the hole in the floor, the memory of Peter bursting through it replaying in his mind. "It actually happened."

Just a Feeling (Stiles x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now