☽︎Riders on the Storm☾︎

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(What do you mean this is the last chapter??? Nooooo I don't think I'm ready yet stop 😭)

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(What do you mean this is the last chapter??? Nooooo I don't think I'm ready yet stop 😭)


Stiles stands below the board listing arrivals, watching as Beacon Hills was declared 'on time'. A soft breeze rustled his clothes, and he glanced down to find a ticket had been pushed to his feet. "Stiles..." A voice called to him on the wind. "Stiles..." He turned, eyes searching for the owner of that lovely voice. "Stiles..."

"Y/n?" Stiles stepped forward as the PA system squealed to life, a different voice making an announcment than before.

"Attention, all passengers. The train will be arriving in 25 minutes." The people got up from their seats and started to move towards the tracks, making it harder for Stiles to search for her.




"I'm right here, Stiles."

"Y/n, wait."


A gun shot rang out, startling everyone into backing away from the man with a gun. "Give the boy some room."

"Dad?" Stiles' eyes widened when he saw Noah standing there. "Dad?" He rushed over.

Noah smiled at the sight of his son as they embraced. "Oh, God. Oh, I found you." Noah sighed in relief, holding his son close. When they pulled away he held the back of Stiles' head, just taking him in. "I can't believe I found you." He chuckled.

"Dad, I can hear Y/n. I think... I think I can get to her. I think she can get us out of here."

The sounds of the ghost riders approaching made them look back at the tunnel. "You need to get out of here. Don't worry about me." Noah urged as he turned towards the sounds.

"What, you're kidding, right?"

"Go. Get help. Find your friends."

"Yeah, and what about you?"

Noah smiled at him. "We'll find each other again."


"Stiles, I'll hold them back. Now get the hell out of here. Go. Go!" Stiles huffed in frustration, but listened anyway. He hopped down onto the tracks and ran down the tunnel, flinching back in surprise when a light shone in front of him. He squinted past the brightness, finding a rift in front of him like the one he had seen the riders go through, but he knew this one was different. This one was safe and just for him.

"I'm here..." Steeling himself he started to walk forward, pushing against the winds coming from the rift. "I remember you... I remember!" He reached a hand out towards the light. "Stiles, keep going. I can see you, Stiles, keep going!" He closed his eyes as he made the final push.

Just a Feeling (Stiles x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now