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Y/n stirred in her sleep when she felt the brush of someone's kisses on her cheek that moved along her jaw and to the soft skin of her neck. She sighed in content, relaxing into the touch because she knew who it was. Even if she couldn't sense his familiar presence she would be able to recognize the feel of his lips on her skin. When she turned her head towards him he gave her a gentle kiss to wake her up nicely. When he pulled away she cracked her eyes open to find Stiles smiling down at her.

"Stiles. How did you get in here?" She asked groggily, her brain still trying to wake up. He held up a key in answer and she could assume that it went to the front door of her house. She blinked at him. "Why am I not surprised? I don't even wanna know how you got that. I do wanna know why you're here at..." She glanced at the digital clock on her nightstand. "Almost midnight?"

"It's Mischief Night, babe. We got mischief to do. Plus it's Coach's birthday, a special occasion."

"Why would I get out of my very comfortable bed to play a prank on Coach?"

"Uh, well, because your incrediblly loving boyfriend asked you very nicely?" He tried.

"Hmm. Not good enough."

"I will love you forever?"

"Getting warmer."

"I'll buy you snacks later?"

"Deal. Wait for me outside." She gave him a quick peck before getting out of bed. He did as she asked while she changed quickly and then quietly crept out of the house before getting into the Jeep and riding with Stiles to the school. He led her to the locker room with a flashlight in hand and a bag on his shoulder while he called Scott to wrangle him into the shenanigans as well.

"Get your ass down here now. We have a job to do."

"Dude, I'm already in bed. And aren't we getting a little old for this?"

"We do this for Coach."

"I thought we did this to Coach."

"Whatever, okay? You know he needs this. He lives for this stuff. He loves it."

"I wouldn't necessarily say he loves it."

"Is that Y/n?"

"Hey, Scotty."

"Yeah, I picked her up on the way here."

"But it's the middle of the night."

"Tell me about it."

Stiles opened his locker and handed the light for Y/n to hold. "12:15 actually. Which means it's after midnight and officially Mischief Night/Day," he grabbed a drill and put it in his bag, "and, by perfectly awesome coincidence, it also happens to be Coach's birthday. So if you're not down here in five seconds, I will destroy you." He shoved more things in his bag as Y/n looked behind her and smiled. "Okay? And I mean five, four, three, two-" He turns and jumps back, falling to the ground with a grunt as Scott walked forward with his eyes glowing Alpha red.

Just a Feeling (Stiles x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now