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"Vanishing twin syndrome..." Alan's voice raised in question as he read from the file Stiles had brought him. After they had realized Mason was the last chimera, they had to figure out how he was a chimera in the first place. Thanks to some thorough searching from Melissa, the woman had found that Mason had had a twin that he had consumed in utero which made him a genetic chimera and perfect for the Dread Doctors experiments. Melissa brought the information to Lydia and Stiles at the Sheriff's station, and Stiles brought it to the animal clinic and it's vet.

"This is part of your expertise, right?" Stiles asked.

"Not particularly, no." He sat the file down on the exam table to look at the sonogram of baby Mason and his tiny twin, when a commotion behind them drew their attention.

Scott, Y/n, and Liam were supporting the Surgeon, Marcel as Ophelia had called him, as they brought him into the room. "He's still alive." The Alpha informed. The Surgeon could hardly stand on his own, a dark bloody looking wetness coated the mouth piece of his mask. With Alan's insistence Scott and Y/n helped lay him on the exam table as Alan checked him over.

"Can you help him? Keep him alive?" Ophelia asked the vet.

"I'm not sure he technically is alive."

"Screw keeping him alive. How do we get him to talk?" Liam asked instead.

"Personally, I don't think we utilize torture nearly enough." Stiles offered.

"Come." A voice called, seeming to come from everywhere and nowhere.

"Did you hear that?" Liam looked up.

"Come to me."

"No." Ophelia quietly gasped.

"To me." The Surgeon sat bolt upright, emitting a high pitched sound. Everyone covered their ears at the offensive sound as the items on the shelves shook. The Surgeon hopped to his feet, using his burst of strength to grab Y/n by the back of her shirt. She cried out as she was pulled along with him to the exit.

Liam went to attack the doctor, Scott trying to stop him. "Liam, wait!" The Surgeon threw a hand back at Liam, the boy being thrown back by a sonic boom. He made his way outside, Y/n still in his grasp as he closed the doors behind them and made the metal furniture block the path to them.

"Y/n!" Stiles yelled, him and the wolves rushing forward to pull the tables and shelves away.

"Stop." Alan called before they could touch anything, pointing to the sparking light above the door. "It's electrified."

The Surgeon threw Y/n to the ground at Sebastien's feet, offering the witch to him as the Surgeon himself fell to his knees, looking up at the man as he approached. Y/n scrambled back away from them as Sebastien looked down at the Surgeon. He gripped the mask and pulled it off, eyes widening at the withered husk of the man he once knew. "Marcel... If this is what immortality looks like, I think you might have been misled."

Just a Feeling (Stiles x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now