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"How is he?" Y/n asks as soon as she bursts through the door that leads to the back room of the clinic. Alan hadn't been home last night, and normally that doesn't worry her, but when he called her and told her about Scott she rushed over.

"He'll be all right. He's just resting." Alan assures her as she stands next to Scott as he rests on the metal table. Alan messes with his tools at the table above Scott's head and the boy stirs at the sound of the metal tools. He starts to sit up.

"Take it easy." Y/n says but he still goes to stand. She helped steady him when his legs almost gave out and Alan rushed to helped.

"Welcome back to the land of the conscious. You doing okay?" Scott blinks and gives a shaky breath. "Maybe you should sit down, huh?" He pats Scott on the chest and the teen looks down at his bandaged wound. The sound of the bell jingling above the clinic door catches their attention. Y/n narrows her eyes towards the sound. The clinic was closed, no one should be coming in. "Hello?" Y/n glances at Alan, the man giving her a subtle nod that she can follow. Scott stops them as they go to move, giving Alan an anxious look. Alan gives him a reasurring smile before him and Y/n go to the front. "I'm sorry but we're-" He pauses slightly at the sight of Peter standing by the door. "We're closed."

Y/n clenches her teeth at the sight of the man. "Hi there." Peter greets politely. "I'm here to pick up."

"I'm not sure I remember you dropping off."

"This one wandered in on it's own." He takes a few steps closer the the barrier gate seperating him from the two.

"Even if he did, I'm afraid I can't help you. We're closed." Alan keeps the friendly façade on his face while Y/n remains looking uninterested.

"Well, I think you can make an exception this one time... Don't you?"

"I'm sorry. That's not going to be possible. Maybe you could come back during regular hours."

Peter takes a breath and glances around towards the back room. "You have something of mine. I'm here to collect it."

"Like I said..." Alan takes a step foward, Y/n staying just a hair behind him. "We're closed."

Peter reaches to open the small gate but hesitates, his hand not being able to cross over the wood. He looks down at it and slowly reaches forward again, his fingertips grazing the top of it before he scraped his nails off of it. Y/n and Alan glance down at the action before looking at the man again. "Mountain ash. That's an old one." He smiles a bit and lunges for one of the waiting chairs and throws it towards the wall over the barrier. But before it can make contact it freezes, a slight purple shimmer now covers it, the same purple that now blazes in Y/n's eyes. She keeps her gaze on Peter as she moves the chair back to it's original place, her eyes dimming and the shimmer fading once she's done.

"In case he wasn't clear enough I'll say it again." Y/n says in a calm voice. "We. Are. Closed." In the school she was scared and caught unawares, but she's not going to be scared of him anymore. If he wants Scott he'll have to go through her.

Peter straightens his jacket and gives an almost indecernible nod of respect to the witch, turning and walking to the door, but stoping before he opens it. Y/n could hear him quietly talking to Scott. "There are others who can help me get what I want, Scott. More innocent... And far more vulnerable." And then he leaves.


"Call it again." Scott asks as he searches his room for his phone. Stiles sits backwards in a chair by the door while Y/n leans against the doorjamb.

"It's not here." Stiles sighs. Scott looks under things as he crosses the room. "Okay, so you lost your phone. Why don't you just get a new one?"

"I can't afford a new one." Scott drops to his stomach and looks under his bed. "And I can't do this alone. We have to find Derek."

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