☽︎Second Chance at First Line☾︎

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Y/n sat on the stands as the lacrosse team practiced. She propped her elbows on her knees and rubbed her eyes with a sigh, the previous night's events going through her head. She was scared but she was also angry. She couldn't believe she just froze up like that, but when she saw the Hunters, that night played in her head like it was yesterday.


Y/n squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head to clear the thoughts. She had spent so long trying to get over those memories and the fear that came with them. She opened her eyes to focus on something else than that horrible memory. But all she could focus on was the fact that Allison's dad, her new friend's dad, is a Hunter. More specifically the same Hunter that shot Scott with a crossbow, which Stiles had so graciously rushed over to inform her of. "Just stop thinking about it." She whispered to herself. "Everything is going to be okay." With another deep breath she shifted her focus to the line of lacrosse players as they practice.

It was Scott's turn but he seemed to be out of it like she was because Coach had to blow his whistle and get his attention. Scott rushed forward but was quickly shoved back by Jackson and landed painfully on his back. Y/n winced at that and listened in as Coach made his way to Scott.

"Hey, McCall." Coach laughs as he gets closer. "Hey, McCall!"

"You sure you still want to be first line, McCall?" Jackson remarked as Scott sat up.

"My- my grandmother can move faster than that." Coach said as he finally got to Scott. "And she's dead. You think you can move faster than the... Lifeless corpse of my dead grandmother?"

"Yes, Coach." Scott said and she could hear growing frustration in his tone.

"I can't hear you."

"Yes, Coach." He said a bit more forceful.

"Then do it again." Scott jogged off back to the line and Coach called out again. "McCall's gonna do it again! McCall's gonna do it again!" This time Scott rushed forward and rammed his shoulder into Jackson sending the blonde onto his back and gripping his shoulder.

Y/n's eyes widened at the scene but she jumped to her feet when Scott gripped his head and fell to his hands and knees. "Shit." She cursed as she rushed down to him and fell to her knees next to him just as Stiles reached them. She looked at his face and could see his eyes glowing yellow. "Scott. You need to calm down."

"Scott, you okay?" Stiles asked.

"I can't control it. It's happening." Scott gritted out.

"What? Right here? Now?"

Y/n looked around and saw that everyone was preoccupied with Jackson's injury. "Okay. Up, up, up. Come on, let's go." She urged and Stiles helped her pull up the werewolf. They rushed him to the empty locker room and he stumbled to the ground.

"You okay? Scott, you okay?" Stiles fussed as him and Y/n crouched in front of him.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Scott roared with his canines bared.

"Whoa!" Y/n exclaimed as she jumped up and Stiles fell back. "Stiles, get back!" Scott lunged and Y/n grabbed his helmet's face guard, using his momentum to swing him around and away. Stiles scrambled up and around the lockers as Y/n followed. Scott jumped on top of the lockers as the two skated around them. He growled and Y/n shoved Stiles forward. "Go, go!" Scott climbed up onto the rafters as Stiles stumbled over a bench seat. The two rushed to the door and looked up at Scott who growled at them again.

Y/n huffed a frustrated breath through her nose and clenched her teeth ready to take care of the problem and probably blow her secret, but before she could do anything Stiles spotted a fire extinguisher. He pulled her around and to the door as he grabbed it and hastilly set it up. Scott jumped down ready to attack when he finally got it going and sprayed Scott, affectively extinguishing his anger. Stiles hid around the corner with Y/n for a moment.

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