☽︎Party Guessed☾︎

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Lydia stands under the shower head, letting the warm stream of water rinse off her troubles. "Lydia." A male voice whispers to her. She turns off the water in confusion, now hearing faint cheering that had blended in with the running water. She slowly reaches out and hesitantly pulls back the shower curtain. She's dry now, wearing her dress from the formal and standing in the middle of the lacrosse field at night. The stands are filled with people cheering and clapping for her, some hold signs saying WE LOVE YOU LYDIA. The cheers fade and she sees a girl sobbing and fearful in the bleachers. Lydia turns and sees Peter walking towards her. She turns to run but he pulls her down to the ground. He climbs over her as she tries to crawl away and goes to bite her.

Lydia sits up with a gasp in her bed, tears staining her cheeks. She tries to breathe for a moment but it fails when she looks down and hastily shoves her blanket away to find dirt caked in her sheets. She closes her eyes for a moment, a tear falling from her eyes, before she opens them again and looks ahead of her. "Leave me alone."

Peter lays in her bed beside her. "Unfortunately, I can't. At least not yet."

"Are you real?"

He sits up and looks at her. "Interestingly... That question can also be answered, 'not yet'. I promise everything's going to get back to normal, Lydia. All that you have to do..." He raises his hand and lays it on the side of her face with his claws out. "Is every single thing that I ask." He trails his hand down a little, making her gasp when he digs his claws in a bit. "Timing is key here, Lydia." He now leads her down the stairs. "It all needs to happen by the next full moon. Do you know what they call the full moon in March? It's called the Worm Moon." Lydia pauses on a step and starts gasping as she looks down. Worms crawl and writhe over her feet. "They call it that because it's the last full moon of winter, and the worms would literally crawl out of the earth as it thawed." He turns to her and she gasps a bit in fear. He's covered in mud with a couple of worms on his head and shoulders. "Kind of has the feel of a rebirth, doesn't it?"

"But the full moon is on Wednesday." Lydia follows him to the living worm, both clean and worm free. "That's my birthday."

"Exactly." They stand in front of the doors to her patio, a scene of people partying and having fun shown to her. "And Lydia's birthday is always the party of the year, isn't it?" She sees herself serving drinks to everyone. The other Lydia makes sure to keep Y/n near her if not by her side. "Everyone wants to go to Lydia's party. So we're gonna make it a very special party."

"And what if I don't?" Suddenly people are dead and bloody, screams echoing.

"I think it's best that we just make a plan and stick to it. That way no one gets hurt." Everyone is alive and standing, staring at her.

"Why me?"

"Because Lydia Martin is not only beautiful, not only incredibly intelligent. She's immune."

Just a Feeling (Stiles x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now