☽︎Alpha Pact☾︎

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Y/n was on her knees next to Derek trying to wake him up. "Derek, wake up!" She yelled and agressively tapped his cheek. "Come on!" She slapped him this time, but that also yielded no results. Stiles watched from behind her as she grunted in frustration. Her eyes flared as she decided to finally try something else. She pressed her fingers to Derek's temples, forcing one thought and action into his mind. "Wake up!" She yelled as loud as she could out loud and in her mind. Derek jerked awake and gripped her wrists to pull them away from him.

He looked at her and it took him a moment to take in his surroundings, finally realizing he was on the ground and a certain darach was no where to be found. "Where is she?" He asked.

"The bitch hightailed it with Scott's mom."

"She took her?"

"Yeah, and if that's not enough of a kick to the balls, Scott left with Deucalion, okay?" Stiles informed. "So we gotta get you out of here."

Y/n got out of Derek's grip and took his hand to help him up. "The police are coming right now, 'kay? We gotta get you the hell out of here."

She helped him sit up, but then something occured to him. "Whoa. What about Cora?"

"She's with Peter and Isaac outside, which is exactly where we need you to be. Come on." She made him get up and he went back to his car to meet up with the others while Y/n and Stiles stay behind to hold off the cops.

The couple sit together in the messy E.R. waiting room as F.B.I. officials walk around, doing their work. Y/n glances over when she sees the doors open in her peripherals and her lip curled in distaste when she saw who walked in. Rafael McCall. "Well, this should be fun." She muttered. She didn't know him all that well, only seeing him once or twice when she and Stiles visited Scott when he lived with his father, but that didn't mean she liked him any better. She may be a bit biased seeing as Scott is her best friend and Scott isn't fond of his father, but she also has made her own assessments. And those are he's a good agent, but a not-so-good father, seemingly running from a mistake he made years ago without ever trying to actaully fix it.

Stiles looked at her unimpressed expression and followed her gaze to see the F.B.I. agent who had just arrived and spotted them just then. Stiles sighed and let his head fall back as he looked away. "Oh, just perfect."

Rafael made his way to stand in front of the pair and looked down at them. "A Stilinski at the center of this whole mess. What a shocker." Y/n grit her teeth at the remark. She doesn't like when anyone says anything bad about the Stilinski's. Noah, who's been like a second father figure to her, and Stiles, who is her best friend and now boyfriend. Stiles subtly put a hand on her leg. He could tell even by just those few words she was getting a bit irritated with the man. "Think you can answer some questions without the usual level of sarcasm?"

"If you ask the questions without the usual level of stupud." Stiles quipped and Y/n's lips twitched up in a smile.

Rafael gave an unamused smile. "Where's your dad, and why's no one been able to contact him?"

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