☽︎Memory Found☾︎

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Scott, Y/n, Lydia, and Malia had hurried to the bunker, sealing every entrance that they could think of as they gathered in the main room. "The tunnel gate's locked." Lydia called as she jogged down the hall, Scott closing the door behind her and bolting it. "Everything's locked."

"Think it'll hold them off?" Malia asked.

"Probably not." Scott answered.

"Definitely not." Lydia said.

"You guys aren't hoping I'm gonna be the optimist, are you?"

"We don't need optimism," Y/n intervened, "we just need to get moving."

"So, how cold does this thing get?" Scott asked as they moved to stand in front of the large human sized freezer Chris Argent had.

"Cold enough for a hellhound." Lydia said. "It's not the same as the ice bath you guys gave Isaac, but it can lower your core temperature past anything a human can survive."

"So what does freezing our asses off have to do with our memories?" Malia wondered.

"It'll slow your heart rate," Y/n started, "putting you in a trance-like state and letting you access your subconscious. That's where you'll be able to go through your memories."

"Like hypnosis." Scott added.

"Hypnotic regression. If we can figure out how to work it." Lydia commented

Malia looked over the contraption and found a green button and a red button. "This says 'start', so, maybe it's not that complicated." She pointed to them.

Scott looked over the various gauges and dials. "It's complicated."

"The Sheriff's memories were strong, but obviously one person's memories aren't enough." Y/n said. "We're all gonna have to remember everything about Stiles as fast as we can, that way the rift will stay open long enough for him to get through, and so we don't die from hypothermia."

"So, optimistically, how much time do you think we need to do this?" Malia asked.

"As much time as Liam and Stilinski can buy us." Scott pulled one of the latches keeping the door closed so he could open it. Scott volunteered himself to be the first one to go into the machine, taking off his hoodie to prepare to get cold.

Malia pushed the start button and looked up as the machine powered up and hissed. "Okay, it's doing something. You ready?" Scott hesitantly stepped into the machine, watching through the window as Lydia closed the latches, sealing the werewolf inside. Malia gave Scott an encouraging nod.

"Remember, this will get cold enough to kill you. So if something feels wrong or like it's not working-"

"It's going to work." Scott cut Lydia off with his positivity.

"I hope you're not saying that because you think I know what I'm doing."

"I'm saying that because I know you can figure it out." Lydia's lips drew into a line as she reached over, turned all of the dials to ten. Scott gasped in shock as the temperature dropped rapidly. "Oh, okay, all right, yeah, that's cold. Really cold." Condensation began to fog up the small space.

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