☽︎Lies of Omission☾︎

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(Guys, it's the 69th episode chapter 😎)

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(Guys, it's the 69th episode chapter 😎)


Scott looks down at the inhaler in his hand, turning it over and over as he thinks. "My asthma is back. I'm not sure how, but it came back. Just as bad as it used to be. So now, I keep an inhaler on me all of the time. Just like I used to. And it's been five days. We haven't seen any new chimeras, and we haven't seen the Dread Doctors. We all go to school, pretending like nothing's happened. But everyone seems to know." Scott walks down the halls of the highschool, the atmosphere in the building dull and lifeless. His fellow students wear similar downcast expressions, unable to bring a smile to their faces for reasons unknown to them. "You just walk down the halls and no one's smiling. No one's laughing. You get the feeling that everyone can sense that something's coming. They just don't know what it is, or how bad it's going to be." A girl passes by Scott, barely giving him a glance as she keeps her eyes downcast. Scott pauses as he looks down at the inhaler in his hand. "Everytime I feel like I should do something about it, I find myself reaching for my inhaler. Like, I'm going to take a hit of it and- and come up with some brilliant solution on how to save everyone. But I don't know what to do. I don't think anyone does." He puts the inhaler in his pocket as he looks around. "Maybe that's why no one's really talking to each other. Sometimes we don't even notice each other." Y/n and Stiles walk into the school together although, like everyone else, they also aren't smiling. Each brought down by their own problems and the secret they share. Malia walks in behind them, yet none of them notice the other, just going about their usual paths. "But I think some of us are okay with that. Because not talking makes it easier to keep secrets." Malia discretely looks at photos of The Desert Wolf and her recent kill while in class. "And I don't know if anyone's really lying about things. Maybe it's more like lies of omission." Stiles sits on his bed as he pulls down the collar of his shirt to look at the still healing circular bite mark on his shoulder. Y/n stands in front of him and gently moves his hands to put his shirt back in place. She wraps her arms around him as he lays his head against her side. "Maybe the worst lie is to Stilinski. Because no one's told him about Parrish yet. Then again, no one's told Parrish either. He doesn't seem to remember taking the bodies. And we think that he's only really dangerous if you try to get in his way. If Stilinski knew the truth, he'd definitely get in his way. So Lydia, Y/n, and Stiles are trying to find the bodies, which means finding the Nemeton." The three climb out of Lydia's car, glancing at each other before starting their next search through the trees. "They're driving around, searching all of the woods. But the last time that we found this thing, three of us had almost drowned in ice water for a spell. We're not the only ones looking for chimeras. Stilinski's got everyone looking for the next target. Questioning anyone who's a genetic chimera. Anyone who's got two sets of DNA. No one really knows what they're looking for. Some think it's a serial killer. Some probably know it's worse. The two chimeras that we know about, Hayden and Corey, they're both doing okay. Actually, better than okay. They're healing faster and getting stronger. They don't need our help. And I don't think they want it anyway. I still haven't heard from Kira. And I'm getting more and more worried about Deaton. Y/n isn't taking it so well either." Scott tapes a 'closed until further notice' sign on the front door of the clinic before he goes into the back, watching Y/n as she leans against her arms on the exam table, her phone in front of her as if staring at it will make Alan suddenly message her that he's okay. Scott stands where Y/n had before, looking at the inhaler in his hand. "I know something's coming. And all I can think about is how good am I going to be if i can't even breathe?" He sets the inhaler on the exam table.

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