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(Double update because I just felt like it 😉)

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(Double update because I just felt like it 😉)


Noah pulls out his hand cuffs. "You want to handcuff me?" Void asks, manipulating the tone of his voice to sound a bit hurt.

Noah slowly starts to walk closer to the creature that wears his son's face. "If my son is still here, if there's still a part of him standing in front of me, then he'll put these on willingly and he'll come with me, because he knows I'm here to protect him from himself and from others." He seems to quietly agree as he tilts his head down and holds his wrists out. Noah puts the cuffs on him and he thinks he's gotten through to him, but then Void looks up and he can see, it's not Stiles he's talking to. "You're not my son."

Void easily breaks the cuffs off as Allison, Chris, and Derek walk into the loft and surround him. He smiles in amusement. He looks at Allison and she raises a taser, shooting the electrically charged wire at him, only it doesn't touch him. Y/n appeared in front of him, catching the wire with blazing eyes staring down the young Hunter. The electricity pulsing through the cord didn't seem to effect the witch at all as she yanked the stun gun from the shocked Allison's grip. "Y/n?" She called, confused. The girl just smirked before she thrust her hand forward and Allison was sent flying back.

Derek watched her with wide eyes. He didn't understand what she was doing protecting him. He didn't want to, but he had to try and get past her to get to him, even if that meant he had to hurt her in the process. Derek growled, fangs bared, and lunged for them. She stopped his fist, her magic allowing her to overpower his strength and force his arm back. She slammed his face into the nearby table and threw him across the room. Void smiled, he loved watching her work. A gun being cocked drew her attention to Chris pointing a gun at Stiles, the opening being made as she dealt with Derek. She went to deal with him as well, but Void twitched his finger towards her and she stood down, slowly moving to stand behind him as he stared down Chris.

Noah held a hand up to the man. "Argent, listen to me. Don't do this."

"Why not? I've done it before." Y/n stood watch as Derek and Allison got back up, retaking their previous stances. "Werewolves, berserkers. I can easily add a nogitsune to the list. Even a witch if I have to." Y/n was nice, he didn't want to put her down, but if she was now with the nogitsune then he would do what he had to. Noah pulls out his own gun, pointing it at Chris. Void raised his brows, making a silent 'ooh' sound.

"You're not gonna shoot my son."

"You said it yourself, Sheriff. That's not your son."

"Put it down." No answer. "Put it down."

Void saw this as his moment to have some fun. He donned a frightened expression. "Dad, he's going to shoot me. He's going to kill me, Dad."

"Don't listen to him." Chris insisted.

"Put it down." Noah repeated. "Now! Do it! Put it down!"

Void looked to Chris now. "Pull the trigger. Come on."

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