☽︎Damnatio Memoriae☾︎

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Y/n stepped into the doorway of the sheriff's hospital room, glancing at the man who was currently asleep in his bed, before her eyes then went to Stiles who was still awake. He hadn't noticed her presence yet and she took a moment to look at him. He was visibly relaxed, the weight of his father's impending doom lifted now that he was no longer being poisoned. It was nice to see him calm, and it was even nicer to be able to feel it for herself. She had never felt so disconnected from everyone and everything than when her magic had been slowly stripped away..

Stiles' eyes had drifted towards the door, flitting back in surprise when he saw Y/n there. "Hey." He greeted, his tone quiet to not disturb Noah.

"Hey." She spoke just as softly. "How is he doing?" She nodded her head towards Noah and Stiles nodded.

"Good. He's recovering pretty fast."

"That's good."

"Yeah." Stiles nodded, lips tight in a smile while he turned his gaze away, trying to escape from the awkward tension. Truthfully he was the only one feeling the tension at all and that was due to his guilty conscience. The harsh words he had spoken to her still rung in his mind, still made him feel terrible. But she acted almost as if nothing happened and that made him feel worse if that was possible. "I'm sorry." He suddenly spoke, voice even softer than before, unable to stand the silence any longer.

"What for?" She asked, but she already knew what he was talking about. There was only one thing he needed to be sorry to her about.

He quickly glanced at her. "For everything said. The whole... Wrench thing. I- I didn't mean anything that happened. You're one of the strongest people I know and most likely could help everyone even if you were just human. I'm sorry." He fiddled with his fingers as he continued to avoid looking at her, that is until he saw movement in his peripheries and looked up to see Y/n standing in front of him with a kind smile.

"I know you are. And, honestly, I forgave you almost as soon as you said it. It was just the heat of the moment, the culmination of all those bad feelings in one final explosion. I understand emotions very well, and I understand how they can make you act when they're especially strong." He leaned back a bit as she moved to sit on his lap, draping her arms over his shoulders as his loosely wrapped around her waist. "I will admit, it did hurt. But I'm fine now, and I'm not upset about it."

"You're not?" He looked at her with the saddest puppy dog gaze she had ever seen from him.

She shook her head as she ran the back of her finger against his cheek. "No. I promise." She started to gently card her fingers through his dark locks, making him take a deep, slow breath. His body automatically relaxed against her touch despite that small voice in the back of his mind saying he didn't deserve her comfort or forgivness so easily. He had never said anything like that to her before, and he couldn't help but still feel a little guilty for everything. Her face suddenly reflected slight annoyance right before her soft touch turned into a light smack over the head, making him whine in protest. He lightly glared in confusion at the offending appandege before looking at the witch connected to it. "Stop that." She scolded making him even more perplexed.

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