☽︎A Credible Threat☾︎

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"So," Y/n stood with arms folded as she looked at the three expectant gazes around the exam table at the animal clinic, "there's some things I guess I should tell you."

"Yeah, like what the hell Lydia was talking about that you had been taken?" Stiles started off. Like she expected, as soon as he could he was pelting her with questions, but she managed to hold him off until she got Scott and Alan in the same room so she didn't have to repeat this story more than she had to.

"It happened on the night of the supermoon. Lydia and I had just figured out what Jordan was, she was having a premonition of someone dying in the library."

"Me." Scott realized and Y/n nodded.

"Yeah. Then Theo arrived, knocked us both out before she could warn us or before I could even do anything. When I woke up I was being carried by the Surgeon into the woods with the other two right behind him. He removed that mistletoe thing from my neck and then... They started the summoning."

"Summoning?" Alan frowned in confusion. "They summoned a spirit?"

"More like summoned a whole ass soul and then shoved it inside of me."

The three looked to each other in slight surprise before Scott asked, "Why?"

She shrugged. "My guess is they were trying to summon a witch that they could control, they basically said as much." She looked down at the shiny surface of the table as she repeated what they had been chanting. "'We invoke you. We summon you. We command you. You will obey.' I guess they thought when they put her in me, I would be ejected or suppressed, something. But I'm still here, and definitely not going to 'obey' them."

"They underestimated the strength of a witch's will." Alan said. "They're not so easily overtaken."

"What about the other soul, then? What happened to them?" Stiles asked.

"She's still in me. That's why these marks are starting to appear." She tugged the collar of her shirt down a little to show the glowing crack in her skin that had grown, going over her shoulder and disappearing below the fabric. "The energy of two witches in one body. It's building slowly, but I still can't expel it fast enough. If I can't figure out a way to spend energy, or a way to let the other soul escape, eventually it'll consume me."

"Like a battery." Stiles remembered when she had told him something about it at the start of senior year, the night of senior scribe to be exact.

She looked up at him before she nodded. "Yeah."

"How do you do that? Release the soul." Scott clarified.

"There's something I can work with in my grimoire I think. But I'm not going to do it yet."

They were a little shocked to say the least, Stiles most of all as he exclaimed, "What? Why?"

"I think it'll be useful to keep her around for a while longer."

Just a Feeling (Stiles x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now