☽︎Ice Pick☾︎

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Scott and Allison talk while they scale the climbing wall for P.E. The mention of the new supernatural having a tail and Scott's lack there of being the topic with a cute interaction between the couple thrown in. Allison had slowed down a bit for Scott, who was trailing a bit behind her, and then started climbing faster, only to pause and look to see Scott had easily gotten ahead of her. In spite she kicked his foot making him lose his grip on the wall, falling down and being caught by the rope a foot above the mat. He grunts as he's let fully down and the class laughs.

Coach laughs happily and sits by Scott's head. "McCall. I don't know why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy." He laughs more. "Right?" Scott gives a short huff of a laugh before Coach looks back at the teens. "All right, next two." He gets up and pats Stiles shoulder. "Stilinski, Y/n, let's go." Man, he really likes pairing couples, huh? Y/n thinks and looks beside her to see Stiles smiling at her. "The wall." The teens nod at Coach and strap on the climbing gear.

Y/n starts climbing at a steady pace and when she gets half way up she looks to see where Stiles is at only to find him staring up at her from a few feet of the ground. He seemed to be lost in a daze and failed to make any more progress than a few steps. "Stiles." She calls down to him. He blinks like he just woke up and finally looked at her eyes. "I know my ass is great and all, but this is climbing, not admiring. Keep up, sweetheart." She smirks and continues to climb. Stiles has the good mind to seem a bit embarassed at being caught and keeps his eyes firmly on the wall until him and his girlfriend are both on the ground. She gives him a quick kiss on the cheek as they go to stand with the students again and he smiles at her.

Next to climb is some boy Y/n didn't really know and Erica, a sweet girl wih frizzy blonde hair who is insecure about herself. Erica stares up at the wall before she and the boy gear up. She grunts as she slowly climbs, the boy going twice her speed. When she makes it half way the boy is done and is climbing down. She looks down and starts to hyperventilate at being so high up. "Oh, please..." She sobs out and people gather below her.

"Erica." Coach calls. "Dizzy? Is it vertigo?"

"Vertigo is a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear. She's just freaking out." Lydia informs.

"Erica?" Y/n calls, concerned.

"I'm- I'm fine." She says.

"Coach, maybe it's not safe. You know she's epileptic." Allison informs.

"Why does nobody tell me this stuff? Erica, y-you're fine. Just kick off from the wall. There's a mat to catch you. Come on."

"It's okay, Erica. You're completely safe." Y/n assures. Erica slowly let's go of the wall and she's lowered down safely by the harness. Y/n gently touches her shoulder and gives her a little smile. "See? It wasn't so bad." Erica gives her a tiny, wobbly smile before it falls again.

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