☽︎Time of Death☾︎

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Stiles flips from side to side in his bed, unable to get comfortable. His eyes flutter and he stares at Y/n's profile as she sleeps beside him. He shifts, making the bed bounce and she sighs as she's woken. "What's up?" She asks groggily.

"I always sleep in the middle of the bed, you know that." He pouts a little.

"Come on, one night isn't gonna bother you. Just go to sleep."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm trying." He rolls onto his back and she turns to lay her head on his shoulder. His arm goes around her shoulders and he holds the hand that she laid on his chest. He was still for a moment, but it doesn't last long as he sits up and she rolls off of him. "Yeah. I can't sleep unless I'm in the middle."

"Then we spoon." She rolled onto her side.

"I can spoon." He jumped at the option, quickly adjusting himself behind her. "I can spoon." One of his arms goes under her head and the other goes around her waist where she held his hand in hers. He sighs with a smile, and everything seems fine. Until his arm starts to tingle, and he begins to move it around.

"What now?" She groaned.

"My arm's falling asleep."

She glared at him over her shoudler. "I'm this close to knocking you unconcious myself." She threatened, her eyes flashing to prove her point.

"No, no. I'm moving." He rolled over, shaking his arm out, and settles on his side so they're back to back. Yet even that is not satisfactory. "I don't like this." He whined.

"I'm going to kill you."

"I know, I know, I'm sorry." She turned over when he moved and he looked down at her.

"Come here." She sighed before situating herself and pulling him down so he had his head on her chest, their positions now reversed from how they were before.

He's shocked for a moment, but then starts to relax. "I think this is good." He holds her hand as he snuggles further into her side, nuzzling his head into her neck. "Yeah, this is good." He feels her chest move as she chuckles a little, and she starts to pet his head.

"Goodnight, Stiles."

Stiles opens his eyes and finds he's hugging a pillow, head jolting up as he looks for Y/n, but then realizes she wasn't there. He sighs as he flops back onto his pillows, unknowingly leaving an empty space in the bed.


Y/n sat at the dining table in the kitchen, arms propped on the table as she stares at her clasped hands. She doesn't move when she hears the keys unlocking the door, letting the man she was waiting for enter the house. She hears him pause as he starts to pass the room, and move to stand near her instead. "Y/n, is there something wrong?" Alan asks.

"Lydia decoded the last third of the list." She said without looking up at him.

He nodded as his eyes flicked to the partially folded article. "Right, I believe you told me about that the other day."

Just a Feeling (Stiles x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now