☽︎Required Reading☾︎

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Noah stands in front of his corkboard in his office which holds Tracy's and Lucas' pictures. He uses a red marker to cross them both out. "Chimeras." He says aloud.

"Two dead chimeras." Stiles ammends.

"And eight new ones." Malia adds.

"10 in total." Y/n finishes.

"I'm thinking maybe 11." Noah pins Donovan's picture next to Lucas. Y/n glances at Stiles as he looks down at his feet. "Our station tech guys confirmed something for me. They said, both the holding cell lock and cameras could have malfunctioned because of something electromagnetic." He reaches over and picks up the green colored book. "You said that, uh, these guys-"

"Dread Doctors." Malia says.

"Are we really calling them that?"

"Well, that is their name." Y/n shrugged lightly.

"So they broke Donovan out?" Malia guessed.

"It's how they got into Eichen, isn't it?" Noah asked.

"Donovan's a chimera."

"Yep." Noah nodded as Malia walked over, the older Stilinski turning as she stood beside them and they both looked at Donovan's photo together. "But... Is he a failure like Lucas and Tracy?" Y/n watched in concern as Stiles turned around and took a few steps away.

"If he is, he's probably dead." Malia picked up the marker to cross his picture out as well, but Noah lightly grabbed her wrist to stop her.

"Not until I've seen a body."

"You won't see a body either way." Y/n spoke up, trying to fill in Stiles' silence. "If he's alive, then he's hiding. If he's dead, then his body has already been taken."

Noah turned around, slightly nodding in agreement, yet he was still reluctant to believe Donovan was dead. His eyes then went to his son, noticing his silence despite Y/n's attempts. "You're uncharacteristically quiet." He pointed out.

Stiles turned around to see him and Malia looking towards him. "Sorry, I'm, uh... I'm just trying to think about it." He lied. "These are all teenagers, right? So, now shouldn't we be trying to figure out why these teenagers? If the Dread Doctors, if they went through all that, burying them, killing them, breaking one of them out of jail-"

"They couldn't have been chosen at random."

"They had to have something in common." Malia said.

"Something that made them right for this experiment."

"Something that made them special." Stiles added.

"All we need to do is figure out what the common denominator is." Y/n said.


The pack and Theo all stood in Scott's house, looking down at the six copies of The Dread Doctors, five of them courtesy of Kira and the library printer. "My mom's book club usually has more wine." Lydia said.

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