☽︎Maid of Gévaudan☾︎

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After getting Jordan to calm down, Gerard, in an attempt to get him to stay, started to tell them about a French soldier who had seen something supernatural during the war and about a letter he had written to his sister. "That letter would eventually find it's way into the hands of a young woman. A skilled hunter who would later face the Beast armed with nothing more than a steel-tipped pike. She would be known by history as the Maid of Gévaudan. But her real name was Marie-Jeanne." He had gotten a book and opened it to a page that showed a picture of a statue of a woman defending herself with a pike against a large wolf.

"Maybe someone should resurrect her." Jordan said before heading for the door.

"Don't leave." Lydia called, making him turn to face her.

"My dreams aren't like yours, Lydia. I'm not just a harbinger of death. I'm the cause of it." This time he did leave, but Lydia and Y/n were prepared to follow him until Gerard stopped them.

"Let him go."

"Why?" Y/n asked, tone sharp and eyes hard as she faced the older man.

"Because as much as we believe Parrish could take on the Beast," Chris started, "neither of us think he's our only hope at stopping it."

"What do you mean?" Lydia wondered.

"We think there's another."

"You." They convinced her to stay and listen to what they had to say and Y/n stayed with her, not wanting to leave her alone with the white-haired serpent. Gerard gave Lydia the book he had shown Jordan and she looked it over. But after a while she sighed and closed it, turning to get Y/n and leave when Gerard walked in her path and started speaking.

"Marie-Jeanne was a lot like you, Lydia. Skeptical of her own abilities. And once, actually, just as skeptical of the supernatural."


People chatter amongst themselves in a small tavern, laughing, drinking and eating together in cozy candlelight and trying to keep out of the snow outside. The barman, Rene, was holding a poster, a warning of a creature called La béte, up to one of the wooden posts and was preparing to nail it to the wood when a bolt did it for him. He turned back to smile at the brunette who was wielding the crossbow it came from, brown eyes twinkling in amusement as she smirked in return. "Merci, Marie-Jeanne." Marie-Jeanne returns to rereading the letter from her brother for what seemed like the thousandth time.

The barmaid notices Marie-Jeanne's knit brow, a tell that showed the woman was more worried than she let on. Grabbing a jar of wine she went over to the table and filled up Marie Jeanne's glass before taking a seat across from her. Reaching up she held Marie-Jeanne's hand and gave her a kind smile. "Don't worry so much, Marie. Sebastien is too stubborn to die in a war, you know this." Marie-Jeanne let an amused smile grace her features as she looked to the h/c haired woman.

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