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Scott sits in the dark locker room in just a towel. He had been visited by Peter, who he found out was the Alpha, and Derek who is now on his side. Peter had shown Scott some of his memories by sticking his claws into the back of his neck. Stiles and Y/n burst into the room and stop when they see Scott. "Dude, we have a huge problem." Stiles panted.

"Trust me... I know."


Jackson speeds around an empty lot, presumably to vent some frustrations, until his car suddenly squeals to a stop, the check engine light beeping at him. He slams his hands on the wheel in frustration, the Porsche giving a small honk in protest. He gets out and looks around before leaning against the car with a sigh. A black SUV pulls up and Mr. Argent steps out of the vehicle. "Car trouble?" He asks.

"Uh, it's okay." Jackson tries to deny as the man puts on black gloves. "I'm just gonna call a tow truck."

"Oh, I know a few things about cars." He opens the car door to open the hood in the back of the car to get to the engine. "Could be something simple."

"I don't know. It's a pretty expensive car and they pull all this warranty crap if you do your own repairs, right?" Jackson tried to get him to leave but Chris is determined to stay.

"Well... I won't tell if you won't." He went to the back of the car. "It's Jackson, right? Come here. I'll show you what to look for." He lifts the hatch and Jackson hesitantly goes to him, looking around for anyone near by, but there's no one. Chris grabs him by the arm and directs him to lean over to look at the engine. When he's doing that Chris looks at the marks on the back of his neck, lowering the collar to see more. When Jackson feels the shifting of cloth he looks at the man a bit startled. "Oh, sorry."


"Your neck. You hurt yourself?"

Jackson straightens up but Chris keeps his hold on him making him face the other way. "Um... No. I mean, it's just- just a scratch." He idly gestures trying to play it cool.

"Well, it looks like more than a scratch. Kinda looks like claw marks." Jackson flinches away involuntarily, his hand going up to the marks. Chris chuckles a bit and gives a smile. "You alright?" He's better at playing it cool than Jackson.

"Yeah, look, I'm just gonna call for a tow truck, okay?" He pulls out his phone.

Chris glances around. "Is there any reason you're so reluctant to tell me what it was that did that?" Jackson pauses his dialing and looks at the man. But they're both distracted by another car squealing to a stop near them, a certain blue Jeep.

"Yo." Scott waves from the passenger seat.

"What's up." Stiles tilts his head up in greeting.

"Heya." Y/n pokes her head out from between them and smiles.

"Is everything okay?" Scott asks.

"Hey, Scott." Chris greets. "Your friend here was having car trouble. We're just taking a look."

"Wow." Stiles comments.

"There's a shop right down the street. I'm sure they have a tow truck." Scott offers.

"Yeah. You want a ride?" Scott opens the door but Jackson still hesitates.

"Come on, Jackson." Y/n encourages. "You're way too pretty to be out here all alone. Never know what can happen." Scott gives him a meaningful look with Y/n's gentle warning and Jackson finally starts to walk to them. Scott gets out to let him in the back with Y/n.

Chris reaches down into the engine and pulls the small device he had planted from it and pockets it. "Hey, kids." Chris calls and goes over to the driver side of the Posche and turns the key, the engine roaring to life. "Told you I knew a few things about cars." He goes to his own car and drives away.

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