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(Double update

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(Double update. Why? Because I can 😌)


Y/n sits on the lacrosse field with her sketch book, staying out of the way as her friend and boyfriend practice their shots. A breeze ruffles her hair, and she looks around, frowning in slight confusion. She could have sworn she heard the faint sound of hooves on the grass. She looked to Scott to see that he had heard something too. "Did you feel that?" The Alpha asked, to which she nodded.

"Feel what?" The couple turned to Liam who hadn't sensed anything amiss.

"There was somthing on the wind." Y/n said.

"It was probably nothing." Scott offered. Y/n didn't really agree, but she didn't argue. "All right, let's keep going." He tossed a ball to Liam.

"Or we could call it." Liam countered.

"We gotta work on your back shots."


"Liam. They suck."

"What are you talkin' about?"

"Your back shots. Which suck." Liam only shrugged and picked up a ball before promptly sending it over his shoulder and right into the goal. Shot, after shot, after shot, Liam managed to make it past Scott, proving that his back shots were actually very good. "I must've been thinking of someone else."

"Yeah. Maybe someone else who should be Captain?"

"We'll make it."

"You'll be a great Captain, Liam. Don't down yourself so much." Y/n encouraged. Just then the flood lights around the field went out, sending the teens into almost complete darkness.

"Well, guess we have to go now." Liam said.

"No, we don't." Scott's eyes shone red in the darkness prompting Liam's own to shine yellow. Y/n followed their example, her amythest gaze piercing the night. All three supernaturals used their natural night vision to continue their activities. They kept going like that for a while, long enough for Y/n to sketch the two in action, although she realized the figure that was supposed to be Liam didn't look quite right. It was more lean, and the hair wasn't as long as it should have been. She tilted her head in interest before lightly shrugging, turning the page to try again, although she wouldn't get that chance as Liam suddenly dropped the ball, eyes trained over Scott's shoulder. The Alpha looked back, but didn't see anything. "What's wrong?"

"Something's happening to Mason." Lacrosse sticks and sketch books were abandoned as the Beta ran off, the seniors following after him to see what was happening. Liam led them to the library, and Scott and Y/n were the first to enter. From the shadows Mason and Corey jumped out, wielding a fire extinguisher and a chair respectfully, to defend themselves.

"Whoa, whoa! It's just us!" Y/n yelled, all of them breathing heavy from the sudden shock.

Corey put away his chair as Mason told them what happened. "They were here. The ghost riders."

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