☽︎The Q and A☾︎

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Author: Hello, happy Thanksgiving and happy one year anniversary to Just a Feeling! Welcome to the Just a Feeling Q&A! You literally have no idea how happy I am that you all liked this idea and wanted to participate in it! I'm actually surprised a...

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Author: Hello, happy Thanksgiving and happy one year anniversary to Just a Feeling! Welcome to the Just a Feeling Q&A! You literally have no idea how happy I am that you all liked this idea and wanted to participate in it! I'm actually surprised at the amount of questions we recieved, like so many! I couldn't even really keep count!

Peter: *sigh* We're gonna be here forever.

Author: Oh, hush up. It won't be that long. But, because I'm nice, I'll move along to the introductions. With me today is the lovely main cast of Just a Feeling. Y/n L/n, Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall, Lydia Martin, Malia Tate, Derek Hale, Peter Hale, Melissa McCall, Noah Stilinski and Alan Deaton. We also have appearances from Ethan Steiner, Coach Bobby Finstock, and Void Stiles.

Stiles: Really? You're having that tool show up?

Author: I know you don't like him but he was asked a couple questions and I promised every question would be answered if it could be.

Stiles: What were his questions?

Author: You'll find out when we get to it. We're going to ask the questions in the order we recieved them. Unless they're similar and have been combined or have notes that were added on. Does that make sense?

Derek: Not really.

Author: Good! Let's get started! *straightens the stack of index cards* Stiles, how did you exactly meet Y/n and when did you know you fell in love with her?

Stiles: First off, that's technically two questions in one.

Author: Then answer them one at a time.

Stiles: I met Y/n through Scott actually. She was the new girl that everyone was talking about. She was quiet at first, a big loner, and a bit intimidating if I'm being honest.

Y/n: A leaf falling too close to your face intimidates you.

*everyone chuckles*

Stiles: Yeah, yeah, whatever. But this was different. She used to give this cold look to anyone who came too close to her. No one really knew why. All that was known about her was that Alan took her in after a tragic incident and almost a year later she was in school. Scott was the first one she actually spoke a word to since school started. He decided to introduce her to me as well after he knew her a few months and the rest is history.

Author: And now for the second part to that question?

Stiles: I'm honestly not sure when I knew I loved her. I think I always had in a way. It just took actually being with her to realize it.

Y/n: Awww Stiles! *she pecks him on the cheek and he gives a bashful smile*

Author: I love you guys together, so much :'). Anyways! Next card. Derek, why are you such a sour wolf? *chuckles and gets a glare from Derek*

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