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Surprisingly, the birth wasn't the hardest part - the aftermath was. Maggie was shaking, uncontrollably, not from fear. "He's not crying," Maggie yelled, looking at Dr. Becker, who held the small baby in a blanket, whispering things to him as she patted him with the blanket.

"Come on little guy, come on," Dr. Becker whispered, lightly shaking the baby. "Get intubation ready," she said to the nurses as she continued lightly shaking him. Suddenly, cries screeched throughout the room. They were a little muffled, and Maggie was about to comment on how it sounded like there was fluid in the lungs, until she watched Dr. Becker flip the small baby over, patting on his back as an intern held a paper towel under his mouth, and he coughed out the fluid. His cries were clear, now. Some would describe it as beautiful. But in reality, it was a high-pitched screech. Becker smiled, swaddling him and placing him in Maggie's shaky arms.

The afternoon went by quick - and everybody seemed fine, until around 2 am, when Maggie woke up, restless. Everybody was passed out, and Maggie looked for her baby until she remembered that they took him to the NICU to be monitored for the night and given IV's, since he was a premie. She was restless for the rest of the night, despite how exhausted she was, she couldn't sleep. She kept shaking, and she knew something was wrong.


"Kidney failure," Maggie mumbled, fetal position, orbs of sweat leaking from her forehead, her muscles shaking uncontrollably.

"Yes, you're right," Dr. Becker replied, looking at her clipboard. "Thankfully, we caught it early. I'm going to put you on some IV fluids, you'll be feeling better within 24 hours. But, I do have this, if you're ready to fill this out." She handed Maggie and Leland a birth certificate. They signed their own names first, and Leland handed her the pen to write down the baby's name.

Samuel Daniel Chapman

Leland smiled at the looks of it. Danny was looking over her shoulder, and his eyebrows furrowed, nevertheless a smile was on his lips.

They handed the certificate and paperwork back to the doctor, and she smiled. "Sam, is actually my brother's name," she smiled. "Good choice."

Maggie rested her head back, her limbs still shaking slightly as she caught a glimpse of Dog's smile in the background. Duane Lee looked at the name, furrowing his brows. "What's Daniel from - oh," he looked at Danny. "Ohhhh."

"Yeah," Maggie replied slowly, mocking him. She looked down at the little face in the plastic box, who was already staring at her, smiling. Maggie smiled back.

Author's Note:
Thank you everybody for the support! I'm still working on this, but as I'm writing these chapters, I'm also working on an original novel that I hope to publish soon, along with Editing one of my already completed Walking Dead fanfictions. Sorry for the short chapter, but I'm working on it! Thank you!

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