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The club was a bust, they got there too late. After waiting by the club for an hour, there was no show of the fugitive. The group decided to go get some lunch to talk over their next moves.

"You're good with kids," Dog smiled as the waitress brought them their food.

"Danny has two younger siblings, twins, Zach and Sarah," Maggie explained as she put ketchup on her fries. "They're 8 now and very needy for attention."

"Well it sucks when there's kids on bounties, we don't like them seeing their loved ones going down. It's good having people around that look more like you and less like us," Dog laughed. "They're scared of us when we first meet them."

After lunch, the crew went back in their trucks and Maggie went to the bathroom. When she walked in, she saw the face by the sink, washing her hands. Maggie froze for a split second and then just smiled at her. She didn't have any handcuffs on her, and the girl was a little bit bigger than her.

"How's it going?" Maggie asked her with a grin as she stood next to her, pretending to fix her hair. "I love that eyeliner, what brand is it?"

"It's from Sephora," she grinned.

"What's your name?" Maggie asked.

"Liz, and you?"

"Maggie, and your face fits that," Maggie let out a gentle laugh before washing her hands and drying them. "Eliza, you're under arrest." Maggie grabbed her hand, Eliza flinched and fought back, elbowing Maggie in the nose. Maggie was trying to be nice, but after she felt blood on her lip she went a little tougher. She pushed the girl against the wall, holding both her wrists behind her back. "Dog and his crew are surrounding the building, you aren't gonna escape." Maggie pulled the girl away from the wall, she was still struggling but Maggie kept a tight grip on her wrists, opening the door and walking out of the bathroom. She took a split second to say through her radio, "I got her." Maggie approached the door, holding tight onto the fugitive as she kicked the door open, being greeted by Beth, who took Maggie out of her hands and pushed her against the truck, cuffing her.

Maggie's heart was thumping so fast, her adrenaline racing and a big smile on her face. "Are you okay?" Leland asked, instinctively grabbing her chin and raising it up to look at her nose. Duane Lee handed him a paper towel which he used to wipe some of the blood off her face.

"I'm good," Maggie said with a big smile.

"You look psychotic," Duane Lee laughed. "Blood gushing and teeth showing."

After Beth took Maggie into the truck Maggie was smiling big. "I love that feeling."

"I can tell," Dog laughed. "You did good, kiddo. We gotta get you a badge and some cuffs."

Afterwards, Eliza was put in between Beth and Dog, Duane Lee driving. They took off to drop Eliza off, meanwhile Leland got some water and paper towels and helped Maggie clean off the blood. Maggie was sitting in the passenger seat of the truck, legs dangling out as Leland came over with the paper towels. He lifted her chin up and gently wiped her mouth and around her nose.

"Does it hurt?" Leland asked.

"A little, it's not bad. It'll heal," she said as she held the paper towel up to her nose, taking it from Leland.

"I forgot you're a med student," Leland laughed a little. "So you're good? Okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine," Maggie smiled, looking at Leland. "That was fun."

"Yeah," he chuckled. "I could tell you enjoyed it." They locked eye contact for a couple seconds, before Leland sighed and handed her the bottle of water and paper towels. "Ready? We're gonna meet 'em at the house."

"Yeah," Maggie nodded, smiling a little as Leland gently shut the door. They drove to the house, on the way chatting about their hobbies, which they both found out they each have fish tanks.

"In Hawaii I catch my own, at night is the best time and a lot of 'em are right on the edge of the water," Leland said as he turned onto another road.

"Is Hawaii as great as it sounds? To live there?" Maggie asked, looking at him.

"It's beautiful there, but when we're on bounties we see the worst parts of it. Hawaii's got a bad ice problem. But when we aren't working, it's beautiful. When we go on family trips and stuff, to the beach, it's amazing."

Maggie smiled at the thought. She loved the farm life, living in the country and having so much land, no neighbors for miles. Jake, Terry and Danny hated the city and disliked the heat - although Maggie prefers AC, she always dreamt of having an equal balance of a place like Hawaii, and her farm house in Colorado. Just like the Chapmans do.

They got to the house before the others did, which was expected. When they went inside, Leland gave Maggie his phone number along with saying "call me next time you need anything." Maggie smiled a bit to herself as Leland walked to the kitchen, fixing him and Maggie each a glass of lemonade before sitting back down. The two chatted for a bit, until the rest of the crew finally showed up.

"I'm impressed," Dog chuckled as he pulled the girl into a hug. "You enjoyed it?"

"Yeah, it was fun," Maggie grins.

"Good, we'd love for you to come on more bounties with us."

"That would be awesome," she smiled. "Thank you."

She exchanged phone numbers with Dog, along with Beth. Then, the group decided to drop her off at her apartment together and make sure her friends were all okay after the party. They walked in together, Maggie unlocking the door to her apartment before creeping inside.

"Ayy," Jessie giggled from the couch. "I saw you walking out with him and wasn't sure if I was hallucinating or not."

"This is Jessie," Maggie introduced them. "What happened to you?"

"I was with Devin and his friends."

"And Liz?"

"She stayed the night. She feels very bad for leaving us and has been beating herself up all day. She's in her chem class right now."

Maggie sighed, looking at the group. "Well this is my apartment," she smiled, trying to break the tension.

"Good to know," Dog said with a chuckle.

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