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They were at the beach, a non populated one. Maggie was occupied with the kids, taking turns throwing each of them up in the air. She had no idea why they enjoyed it so much, but she kept doing it. Her arms got tired quick, hoping Leland or Duane Lee would take over, but they were too busy wrestling with Dog and Justin on the shore, having an argument about who's the strongest. Eventually, Maggie's arms were saved when Dog got a call from Tim at the shop, saying they had a dangerous bounty that they had to do ASAP.

Maggie frowned when she heard the dangerous part. "Was Darrell not dangerous or something? What the heck..."

Leland laughed, still messing with Duane Lee as the crew began to pick up their stuff. Maggie brought the kids out of the water, wrapping herself in a towel as the group walked back to their trucks, Dog explaining the situation.

"He's got a 4 year old daughter, however, his history of drug abuse and possession of illegal firearms is endless. He's a shooter, both with dope and bullets," Dog explained. "When we get home we gotta clean up quick and head out. His brother is the co signer, who agreed to let us talk to him and search his house. He claims he hasn't seen him in 2 days, but when I brought up his daughter, he kept tripping over his words."

"I don't have a good feeling," Maggie sang in a mocking tone.

"You didn't have a good feeling on the bond a few days ago," Dog reminded her.

"Yeah and he had a gun," Maggie said. Leland sighed, grabbing her hand. "I mean yeah, people have guns, but just you wait and see. I have a bad feeling, bad things are gonna happen." She sighs.

"Is it worth the adrenaline?" Dog asked.

"Definitely," Maggie smiles.

The group was quick to get ready, Maggie going into Leland's room after she got changed, seeing him changing his shirt and putting his belt on. He smiled at her, gently giving her a kiss before grabbing his mace, walking with her out of the door. They arrived at the house, where Maggie had an instant horrible feeling. She thought Darrell reminded her of her father, but the house was like a trip down memory lane. As soon as they stepped in, Maggie stopped. The group noticed this, watching her as her face dropped. Leland remembered her telling him about seeing her anxiety through her eyes, and he finally knew what she meant.

"Do you want to stay outside?" Leland asked her.

"No... no..." Maggie looked at Kevin, the brother of the fugitive. He was holding the girl in his arms, she avoided eye contact with everybody else. "Can I see her?" Maggie asked. "It'll be safer for her."

"That won't be necessary," Kevin responded.

"It's better to leave the kids out of it, man. She's good with them," Dog said. Kevin sighed, putting the girl down and letting her walk over to Maggie, where Maggie grabs her hand.

"Where are you going?" Kevin asked, glaring as Maggie went to walk away. Maggie looked at him, picking up on his body language. Dog noticed the look in her face changed.

"She's not going anywhere," Maggie stood up straight. "Why are you so concerned?"

"I love her, that's why," the man responded. Maggie nodded.

"Okay," she glared and walked the girl, Lily up the stairs. "Is this your room?" Maggie asks her as they walk into a small room. Lily nods, shy as she sits on her bed, scooting to the corner and staying quiet. Maggie looked around, remembering her old room. Everything about this house brought her back to Mike. Not to mention, Kevin reeked of Bourbon and ice - Mike's favorite combination. The bed, long way, against the wall - easier to reach across it, so she can't hide. Maggie glanced in her closet - the same 6 outfits, nothing bright or colorful. She let her finger brush against the rim of the desk, noticing the knife marks in the wood. Noticing the belt hanging up high, just out of reach, on the wall. Her wrist stung, her brain associating the sight to a sharp sting of a belt against her arm.

Maggie turned, standing in the doorway as she watched Kevin's body language, Maggie fearing the worst. Maggie went up to Leland, her eyes jumping from corner to corner, watching everywhere. "What is it?" Leland asked. Dog and Duane Lee turned to face her, Justin and Tim far away with Kevin.

Maggie gulped, in a quiet voice, she spoke. "Don't ask questions, don't ask how I know... just know that... I'm positive, I'm sure of it."

"Sure of what?" Duane Lee asked.

"He hits her. Bad. I don't know what else he does, but he hits her."

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