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Maggie avoided Leland. She didn't know what to say to him, she didn't even know what to tell herself. When it was time to sleep, everybody tucked away in their beds, she stayed downstairs, wandering into the living room with a glass of water, where she found Dog and Beth. They looked at her, motioning towards the couch. She sighed, sitting down and looking at them, placing her glass on the table.

"We want to know what you're thinking," Beth said softly.

Maggie sighed. "I should've known. I... I should've looked further into it when I had suspicions and made sure. Then I could've taken better care of myself. Not only that... but I'm so invested in school at this point and don't get me wrong, I'm going to give this child the best life I possibly can, but I just... I don't know how this is going to affect my future. But no matter what I'm going to put this child first."

"Maggie," Duane started, looking at her. "I know you. I know you're going to put the kid first. But I also know how far you've come in your schooling, how hard you've worked. I also know this family. We talked it over in the waiting room, and we want you to know that we are going to do everything we can to help you. Our plan when the baby comes is for us to stay in Colorado... help you with babysitting and that way we can bring the kid over to see you or you can come home and spend some time with everybody... but either way, we're going to get you through your senior year."

"And I know how important it is as a mother to still take care of your baby and spend lots of time with them, so Lyssa brought you a very good point. You have a lot of free time your Senior year, because of how hard you worked this past one. So when you aren't doing anything, you can come and live at our house, or you can take the baby to the farm... no matter where you are, what you're doing, we just want you to know that we are going to adjust whatever is easiest for you and the baby... and we are going to help you as much as possible. And we want you to know that everything is going to be alright," Beth said softly.

Duane stood up, sitting next to Maggie as a tear rolled down her cheek and he pulled her in for a hug. "Everything is going to be okay, Maggie," he said quietly in her ear. "You have Jake, Terry, Danny and us, we're all going to help you," he smiled as they released from the hug and she wiped her eyes. "I also want to mention that in Hawaii, it's common for people to have lots of kids. So I'm very excited whenever a new baby is on the way-"

"I know," Maggie smiled a little. "It's um... I think I'm really just most upset that I didn't know sooner. I... I feel guilty for not eating better or sleeping more..."

"It's not your fault," Beth shook her head. "Now go call Danny, he's waiting to hear from you. And get some sleep."

"Thank you," Maggie smiled a bit as they all got up. Beth and Duane went to their room, and Maggie dialed Danny's number and called him. She got him caught up on everything, and after Danny gave her a reassuring pep talk, the conversation came to an end.

"Wait," Danny said. "Do you know the gender?"

Maggie smiled a little bit, looking at the wall. "It's a boy," she replied. She could hear Danny smile.

"Okay," he replies. "Take care of yourself, update me next week."

"Of course."

They hung up the phone, and Maggie took a deep breath before walking up the stairs and into Leland's room, where he was sitting on his bed with the lamp on, worried about Maggie. She looked at him, and he opened his arms up to her. She got in bed next to him, resting her head against his shoulder.

"I'm sorry," she said quietly.

"Don't be," Leland smiled, resting his hand on her stomach. There was a small moment of silence before he spoke up. "Is it bad that I'm excited?"

"No," she laughed a little. "I kinda am too..."

Leland grinned, holding her gently. "I love you so much."

"I love you too."

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