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"Be careful, she's a runner," Beth confirmed to the group before they took off out of their trucks to begin searching. They had gotten lead after lead, guiding them to where they were now. The group split up, half of them searching in one direction, the other half searching in a different direction.

Maggie sighed, glancing from Dog to Duane Lee as she looked around the area. It was a large field, bushes and trees scattered around the hills. She was able to spot the figures of Leland, Beth and Lyssa on the other side of the field, searching themselves. There were houses in the far distance, where the vastly open fields merge into a dense downtown, drug dealing neighborhood. Maggie began walking towards the houses, scoping out the bushes and trees as she walked, making sure to keep a close eye on her surroundings.

Suddenly, she took off running towards a girl who appeared to be the fugitive, who was also running speedy fast towards the dense neighborhood. Dog and Duane Lee spotted her, being quick to radio to the others and get in their trucks, doubling around to try and find Maggie, who had run out of their sight.

They began running down the road, Maggie catching up to her. Just as she did, the fugitive took a turn and hopped a fence. Maggie followed her, struggling to keep up with the unfamiliar obstacles. It was obvious this girl had run through here multiple times before, as she didn't struggle the least bit. Finally, after what seemed like an hour, Maggie caught up to her, tackling her to the ground and pulling her hands behind her back.

"What's your name?" Maggie asked her as she put the cuffs around her.

"M-Marley," she slurred, her head on the pavement.

"Marley, I'm with Dog and Da Kine bailbonds," Maggie sat the girl up, seeing her fading in and out. "What did you take today?"

"I... um..." she was fading. "Ice... and, um, hero - it's, um... heroin," her head fell and she passed out, her lips beginning to turn blue. Maggie knew she did more than just that, based off of how she reeked of different drugs.

"Fuck," Maggie mumbled, putting her radio on. "Call 911, I have her and she just passed out, I think she's overdosing," Maggie let go of the button and felt for a pulse. She couldn't find one, and couldn't hear the fugitive breathing. Maggie got on her knees, putting her hand on the center of her chest and her other hand on top, she began CPR. She was already out of breath from the chase, and CPR takes a lot of energy.

"Where are you?" Leland asked.

"Does she have a pulse?" Duane asked.

"I'm next to a fence, yellow house, no lights, doing CPR," is all she said before continuing, not being able to stop again.

It took about 5 minutes, for the group to find her, where an ambulance showed up about 3 minutes later, EMS taking over as Maggie backed up from the fugitive, watching as they did their thing. Maggie explained to the group and cameras what had happened. Maggie was cut off when she watched the fugitive wake up, angry as hell at the EMS for taking away her high. Beth and Maggie held her back as Dog talked her down. Finally, they got her in the truck, sitting in between Maggie and Beth as they drove to the jail.

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