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It's the end of March, and Maggie was still struggling to keep up with school. It was getting tougher as the second semester went on. She avoided parties, and whenever she was invited to one, which was often, she said no. As a result of that, she continued to get good grades, continued with her internship and continued with her job. She was happy with that. However, the lack of sleep and eating caught up to her, and she got a bad flu. It's getting to the point where she thinks it might be pneumonia, so Duane and Beth offered to drive her to the doctor. No, that's not a good way to word it. They ordered her to let them drive her to the doctor.

"How's it going, how are you feeling?" Beth asked as they began driving.

"Not good," Maggie responded, sighing. "Thank you for driving me."

"After Lyssa told us that you said you were fading in and out, we don't want you driving," Duane responded.

"Yeah..." Maggie was exhausted, resting her head back. "You guys do so much for me I feel bad."

"Kiddo," Beth looked at her. "You help us with bonds and refuse to let us pay you," Beth laughed. "We owe you too much money."

"No... no you don't," Maggie sighed, tired.

"Take a nap, you're going in and out," Beth said softly as she looked at Maggie.

"No, I'm okay," Maggie responded.

"Hon, take a nap."

"Okay." She smiled and rested her head back as she quickly drifted to sleep. When they got to the hospital, Beth went in with Maggie and the doctor did a test, determining it is pneumonia. She gave Maggie medication and then Duane and Beth drove her back to her apartment. They went in with her, and Beth got Maggie all set up with blankets and tissues next to her bed, and while Maggie slept after taking her first pill, Beth made her some soup. She made a bunch of soup for her for the week, along with some macaroni and cheese, some chicken and some pasta. She put it all in dishes and in her fridge. After that, Maggie woke up and Beth told her to call if she needed anything, and then they left.

Maggie sat down on her bed, smiling to herself as she sipped on the soup. She loved it. She did her best to focus on her homework as her head wanted none of it. She was already feeling a little bit better, enough to catch up on some of the stuff she missed.

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