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Maggie and Leland chatted the whole way to the farm, continuing to catch up on everything they've missed. They pulled up to the farm, where Maggie got a bit confused, everything seemed too normal. Leland and her walked up to the porch, Leland opening the door for her. When she walked in, she nearly started crying when she saw who was waiting for her. She ran up to Dog, giving him a huge hug.

"Happy birthday!" They all shouted. Duane Lee smiled, pulling her in for a tight hug. Maggie made her rounds, greeting everybody.

"You told me they didn't come up," Maggie said, looking at Leland.

"If I told you they did it wouldn't be a surprise," he smiled.

"Since it's your 21st birthday," Duane Lee started, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "We're taking you out bar hopping."

Maggie's face dropped and she immediately looked at Danny and Leland. Dog was quick to step in.

"I know what you're concerned about," Duane said, taking Maggie out of Duane Lee's arm. "But we'll keep tabs on you. I don't want you to worry about drinking too much or getting hurt - we won't leave your side. Just have fun, okay?"

"Oh God," Maggie mumbled, looking at Danny, who was giggling.

"You'll be great," Beth smiled.

"Until then, we have some stuff for you to open," Terry smiled, pulling her into a hug.

"How's school?" Duane Lee asked as they made their way into the dining room, all sitting down at the table.

"Ugh, fantastic," she said sarcastically.

"That reminds me," Leland looked at his father. "Maggie's being harassed, and he threatened to come talk to her today."

"So we'll keep an eye out, nobody's gonna touch her," Dog said.

"His name is Derek," Danny started. "About Leland's size, black hair and green eyes and extremely cocky, if you see him feel free to kick his ass. I hate that douchebag."

"What kind of threats?" Dog asked. Maggie showed everybody the texts, getting them all caught up with what has been going on. Afterwards, they ate an early dinner, ice cream cake and opened presents. Jake and Terry said goodnight to Maggie and happy birthday after a bit, bringing the young ones upstairs and them going to bed themselves, having a very early morning tomorrow.

They saved Duane Lee's presents for last, which he was very excited for.

"I'm scared," Maggie mumbled.

"Why?" Duane Lee asked.

"Because you haven't picked on me in months, so I have a feeling this is going to be a big joke," she said. She opened up the box, her eyes rolling and a sigh came out of her mouth as she saw the multiple condoms. The table laughed, Maggie rolled her eyes.

"I thought you could use those," Duane Lee chuckled.

"Thanks," she nodded sarcastically.

"I got an actual present for you, though," Duane Lee smiled, handing her another box.

"I'm scared, again," Maggie said, opening the wrapping paper. "I like the bounty themed wrapping paper," she commented, looking at Duane, knowing he was the one who picked it out. She opened the box, smiling at its contents. There was a taser, a weapon belt, and two pairs of cuffs, one blue, one black. Maggie grinned, holding up the cuffs. "I'm proud of you Duane Lee," she grinned. "A present that isn't making fun of me and Leland."

"I mean those can be for Leland too but-"

"Would you shut up?" Maggie cut him off, causing the group to laugh.

"I have one more thing for you," Dog said, standing up and walking over to Maggie. He reached into his pocket, taking out a badge and putting it around her neck. "I want you to have this. You're part of our group now, part of our team. I wanted to give this to you back when you saved that little girl, but since you weren't 21 I didn't want to take the chance of you getting in trouble for anything stupid like holding a bottle of beer that was in a fugitive's house. You've proved yourself, and even though you're not full time going on bounties with us, you've still helped us a lot and I hope you'll continue to help. I want you to have this badge in case you ever need it."

Maggie smiled, hugging him tightly.

"You ready to go bar hopping?" Duane Lee asked.

Maggie sighed. "I will warn you," she started. "I am not pleasant when I am drunk. I yell. And scream. And get aggressive if anybody gets in my way. So please, don't let me go that far."

"We won't," Dog laughed, standing up. "You ready?"


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