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"I don't like this," Maggie said quietly, sitting on the bed of the motel room they rented.

"You're gonna be fine," Justin said, waiting for Leland or Duane Lee to find the right website.

"Leland or Duane Lee will be in the bathroom, or the hallway, he ain't gonna touch you," Dog said.

"Okay," Maggie agreed.

"So who's the pimp?" Beth asked, causing chuckles around the room. "Leland's voice is too sweet, Dog will either vomit or not know what to say while talking to him, and Justin will stumble over his words. I think there's only one last option that knows enough about strippers to know what to say," Beth said, looking from Tim to Duane Lee, who was giggling out of embarrassment.

"I'll be honest I'm not even really sure what to say," he looked at his laptop as he searched for the website.

"I got it," Leland said, showing his phone to Duane Lee.

"Alright, Duane Lee, you call it," Dog chuckled as everybody sat back, waiting.

"Hello? Yeah..." Duane Lee started on the phone. "Nah, I'm lookin' to sell," he cringed at the words coming out of his mouth. "Yeah, the name is, Kelsea.... she doesn't got one yet, I just picked her up last night. Yeah, yeah, she's obedient." Maggie wrinkled her nose, blocking her ears and leaning against Leland who was glaring at Duane Lee. "Dark brown on blue, 5 foot 4, probably 120 pounds. White, shy, not too smart, listens well," Duane Lee looked at Maggie, holding in his laughs as she flipped him off. "Yeah, she is, that's why I'm expecting big numbers. Um..." Duane Lee looked at her. "She's got a scar under her left eye, not too big. Other than that... yeah, her eyes are like ice, man." Duane Lee nodded enthusiastically. "I've been in it for 8 months now... yeah. Alright... okay... thanks man, yeah... will do." With that, Duane Lee hung up the phone.

They took a picture of her face, sending it in. Within minutes, her face popped up on the site. And now, they waited. Beth ordered pizza, which they all sat around, chatting while they ate. Suddenly, Duane Lee's phone dinged, and they got a hit from the fugitive. They had 45 minutes to get ready and in position. Maggie was wearing a large jacket over shorts and a tee shirt, so the fugitive was expecting regular stripper clothes. Since Duane Lee was bigger, he was waiting in the closet of the motel room. Leland was waiting next door. The plan was, Duane Lee could secure the man, long enough for Leland, the skilled one, to come in, followed by Dog, Justin and Beth.

Maggie drove the truck up, just in time to see the fugitive sitting in his car. He had texted Duane Lee, telling them to send Maggie up first. He watched her walk into the building, the girl hiding her nerves.

She walked into the motel room, nervously sitting on the bed as she eyed the closet, knowing Duane Lee was watching her. They had prepped mace and a handgun on the side of the bed in case anything ever went wrong, Maggie had some sort of defense other than the fighting tips Jake had given her growing up. "I'm so nervous," Maggie mumbled under her breath, seeing the fugitive quickly get from his car into the building.

"You're safe," Duane Lee said from the closet. Maggie laughed a little, the mysterious voice from the closet sounding very creepy.

The door opened, the fugitive appearing on the other side. He spotted Maggie, grinning and shutting the door. She imagined the plan as it went out, picturing what she couldn't see - Leland silently moving down the hallway, now, he's on the other side of the door. Dog, Beth, Tim and Justin all have the building surrounded. There's no way he can escape. He came close to her. Duane Lee was supposed to come out at this time, but he didn't. He saw his hand on his belt in the back, on a handgun. Maggie saw this, too, and knew exactly why Duane Lee hasn't come out yet. Maggie knew that she had to keep calm, talk quietly and slowly. If she moves too quick, he's likely to react quick without thinking. If she moves slow, he will overthink and think too much, taking it slow.

Maggie smiled a little, seeing Darrell. Her anxiety was sky high and her heart was thumping too fast. She felt like she was back with Mike. A large man, standing over her. She felt like she was going to burst out in tears, but she didn't. She spoke quietly and slow, everybody hearing her through their earpieces, such high quality that they could hear the shakiness in her voice, the struggle to stay calm. "You're under arrest," Maggie said calmly, looking at him. He chuckled, thinking it was something kinky. Maggie stood up, taking advantage of this. She stepped up close to him, smelling the ice. Duane Lee watched her, grinning as he knew exactly what she was doing. Her hand raised to his chest, trailed down to his belt, resting on his hip. "No, I'm serious, you're under arrest," she pulled out the gun, stepping back.

Duane Lee barged through the closet, pushing the man on the floor as Leland came through the door as well. Maggie was quick to run out of the apartment, carrying the gun as she went down the stairs and through the door, past Dog, Justin and Tim who were all on their way to help Leland and Duane Lee bring Darrell out. Maggie stood by the truck, holding the handgun tight, her wrist shaking as she tried to calm herself down. She watched, Dog and Duane Lee holding Darrell in cuffs as they came out. Leland went straight to Maggie, pulling her in a hug. It was a very long hug, where after they got the fugitive in the truck, everybody looked at them.

They released, realizing what the group just saw. "We know by now there's something going on, stop hiding it," Justin mumbled. Maggie smiled a little bit, holding the handgun out to Duane Lee, who took it from her.

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