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Maggie watched him, staying calm as he slowly moved towards her. "I hope you realize, I want something."

"I know you want something, and you wouldn't take no for an answer, that's the whole reason we broke up," Maggie said as she did her best to keep her distance. She made sure to talk slowly, stalling as much as possible.

"B-because you didn't want what I wanted," he said. "Because you wouldn't listen to me. You... you didn't realize that I'm the boss. I was the boss and I always will be." He stepped towards her. "You thought you won. But you didn't. You're going to figure that out right now." Derek's back was to her bedroom door, where Lyssa crept out with the mace, watching what was happening closely, and she saw the bulge in the back of his belt - knowing he had a weapon, but not being able to see what it was.

"You need to step back," Maggie said quietly, she being cornered. She reached for the taser, where in a split second, he grabbed her arm, forcing her against the wall. Just as Lyssa raised the mace, the door was opened, Dog, Leland and Duane Lee rushing in, just as Derek pulled a handgun from his back, holding Maggie by the neck and pointing it at her head.

"If you fucking shoot her," Dog shouted, his pepper ball gun raised, shaking in anger as he yelled at the top of his lungs. "I will not hesitate to drop you and beat your ass until you bleed out." Duane Lee and Leland had their guns raised as well, Lyssa frightened, staying back.

Duane, Leland and Duane Lee watched, quickly noticing that this man was high as a kite. Maggie looked at Duane Lee, knowing what he was thinking. He gave her a gentle nod, just as she ducked out of his grip, where Duane Lee tackled him, taking the man down. Leland was quick to pull Maggie into his grip. Derek raised his gun to Dog, just as Maggie raised the taser and tased him, causing him to drop the gun. Leland put him in cuffs, lifting him up and slamming him against the wall.

"You are getting arrested for harassment, sexual harassment, attempted rape, and breaking and entering," Leland said as he patted him down. "Police are on their way."

"Add possession of illegal firearm to that," Duane Lee said, holding up the handgun that Derek had.

"Thank you," Maggie said to Lyssa, hugging her tight. "You called them?"

"I called my Dad first after the police, he said he could be here in 10 minutes," Lyssa said as they watched the men take Derek out of the room. They followed them, going out of the apartment complex as the police arrived. Dog explained to them who he was and everything that happened, where they apologized for not being able to show up sooner. Maggie talked to them about what happened, explaining the texts.

"Well, he won't be allowed near your apartment or on campus any time soon. From what I'm hearing, I'll guess if he does get bailed out, he'll be put on house arrest with a tracker, has he always been so... um, attentive?" The officer asked.

"He has anger management issues, he hasn't gotten them checked but I'll guess it's an impulse problem combined with drugs. Before we broke up he was on the right path, my guess is it's just the drugs getting to him, he hasn't really had any problems like this until the end of the relationship," Maggie told the officer as she wrote down information.

"Do you know of any ongoing issues that could've caused this?"

"His parents were having problems with money, he didn't like to talk about it but he used football as an escape, he started giving red flags when he got high for the first time. I talked with him about ditching drugs, but he didn't listen and kind of went insane," Maggie explained. Maggie gave the officer his information along with the parents, where after that, they took off.

The days went on, Maggie feeling better after they finally got Derek taken care of. Maggie continued to balance her junior year with bounties, a job and internship. The Chapmans and Danny occasionally visited her. Lyssa and Maggie became very close friends, along with Maggie and Duane Lee who began to develop a somewhat brother - sister relationship. Leland oftentimes spent nights at her apartment, and she occasionally surprised him by visiting him in his bedroom whenever she had a free day or two. Maggie finally felt like she belonged somewhere, and that somewhere was with Leland and his family.

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