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"I don't want you to worry about that, okay?" Leland said quietly, his finger brushing her hair behind her ear. "I know it's tough for you, and it's okay. I'm not upset. I don't want to push you to do anything you're not ready for." He laid on his back, his arm wrapping around Maggie as she rested her head on his bare chest. There was a small moment of comfortably silence, no sound but the birds and animals of Hawaii out of the open window, the moonlight just barely outlining their figures.

Her hand rested on his abdomen, rising with each breath. "When I stepped in that house," her voice was quiet and soft. "My heart sunk, and I knew right away what was going on. But I didn't want to believe it." Leland listened quietly. "I can't stop thinking about her, about whether or not she'll turn out like me. Maybe she got out early enough, maybe she won't remember any of it. But I still do, I remember shit from when I was 3. Maybe it's just because mine was worse, maybe not. But I can't stop thinking about whether or not she'll be okay."

Leland took a small breath, putting his hand on top of hers. "She's out of that house," he said softly. "You saved her, she's with a better family, and that's the most you or I or anybody could do." Leland took another breath. "She's safe now, and so are you. Whether she grows up to think the same way you do, we don't know. But all I know is, you're safe. You're smart, you're strong, beautiful, and whether you believe it or not - you're fearless. I'm blessed to be able to have you in my life, Maggie. I don't care if you never think you're ready to go that far, I just want you to be happy." Leland gave her a gentle kiss on the head. "I don't want you to feel bad for saying no ever again after tonight. If you're not ready, then you're not ready. It's not going to stop me from wanting to hold you."

Maggie smiled at his words, lifting her head up and giving him a kiss. "Thank you," she said quietly before resting her head back down on his chest. She knew, she trusted him. She had only known him for a couple months, but at this moment, she knew she trusted him. He was the one, and she knew it. But she wasn't ready that night.

"I always want you to be happy, Maggie," he said quietly. "And I want you to know, whenever we're out on bounties... wherever we are, you're safe with me."

The two laid there, not moving for the night, enjoying one another's company. The next morning, the group decided to take a day off and spend it at the beach.

Maggie is in the water, playing frisbee with the kids. Leland left the beach for a few minutes to grab some sandwiches, where Duane Lee took the opportunity to mess with Maggie.

"I see you throwing those kids around, I wonder if you've ever been thrown around," Duane Lee said. Maggie looked at him worried, stepping back as he walked into the water.

"If you touch me so help me," Maggie said.

"You're with Leland, right? So you're like my sister, so therefor, I can be a brother and annoy you."

"Some would think you're flirting," Beth shouted.

"I'm not flirting with my brothers girlfriend," Duane Lee shouted.

"He just likes to piss her off and see her reaction," Dog defended his son.

"Step back," Maggie said, backing up until she couldn't touch the bottom anymore. Just as Duane Lee grabbed her, not in a flirty way, Leland dropped the sandwiches, charging into the water and attacking Duane Lee. Maggie smiled, swimming back to shore, wrapping herself in a towel and grabbing a sandwich. She sat next to Beth, smiling as she watched Leland and Duane Lee fight.

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