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The man was tall, standing at 6 foot 4, 250 pounds of pure muscle, he was frightening. Maggie looked at him as he walked in the doorway, hammered. He reeked of whiskey and looked the way he smelt. It was pitch black, and the man was not thinking straight. He stumbled towards her, a large grin on his face as she stepped back, Leland appeared from the hallway behind her, grabbing her arm and pulling her behind her as he raised his gun. At this moment, Dog and Duane Lee sprung out from different spots, taking the man to the ground. Maggie was quick to leave the building, going straight towards Beth and Lyssa, where she froze, watching Duane Lee and Leland each take a side of Mike as they dragged him out of the building in cuffs.

"You bitch," Mike yelled at Maggie, saliva falling from his mouth as he slurred over his words. "I'm going to get you don't you fucking worry, I'm never done, I'll never be done!" He yelled, wriggling himself out of Leland and Duane Lee's grip as he charged towards Maggie. Dog stepped forward, pushing the large man to the ground. Duane Lee stepped in, helping Dog lift him up and hold him back, Dog grabbed his chin and mumbled threats in his face. Maggie watched, still frozen as Leland pulled her to face away from them.

"Don't look," Leland said quietly. "Let's get in my truck, c'mon," he mumbled as he opened the passenger door for her. She got in, emotionless as Leland shut the door. It didn't take long for them to get Mike in the other truck, where Dog and Duane Lee each sat on either side of him, Beth hopping in drivers seat and Lyssa in passenger. Dog thanked Maggie for helping, and told her if she needs anything to call. Leland was instructed to drive Maggie home and make sure she was okay.

"You good?" Leland asked her as they arrived at the farm.

"I'm okay," Maggie assured him as Leland parked in front of the house. Leland got out as well as Maggie as they both walked side by side. Danny opened the door, being quick to hug his best friend.

"She did great and we got him. He's going straight to prison, ain't gonna get bailed," Leland said as Danny released the hug. Maggie gave Leland a small smile before walking up the stairs, wanting to be alone. Leland looked at Danny. "He threatened her before my dad and brother took him down again. But, before I go I want to give you something," he took out a notepad and scribbled down something, ripping the paper off and handing it to Danny, tucking the notepad in his pocket. "This is my cell phone number. She saved us a lot of trouble and money... we owe you guys. If there's anything, anything you or her need help with, call me. Even if it's 5 in the morning or 11 at night, call me. We owe you... especially after I saw her face when she saw him. We owe you. Don't be afraid to call," Leland said. Danny took the paper, smiling and pulling Leland in for a 'bro' hug.

"Thank you," Danny said quietly as he let go.

"Of course. Maybe we can go quad riding sometime or something, I love your land," Leland laughed.

"Thanks," he laughed. "Yeah that sounds great," Danny nodded as Leland smiled and left.

Maggie was okay, she talked with Danny a bit and he assured her that Mike was gone and not coming back for a good while, and she wanted to keep it that way.

After spring break, Danny and his parents went on a trip out of state to visit family, and Maggie went back to college to join her roommates, Liz and Jessie for a party. Liz was the designated driver for the night.

"You sure you're okay? I don't mind staying sober-" Maggie was cut off.

"Kiddo you've been through a lot, you need to drink a bit," Liz laughed as she pulled the vehicle into the parking lot. The girls got out of the car, making their way into the house. Maggie wasn't a fan of parties, especially college parties. She wasn't a fan of alcohol and didn't like being around drunk people.

Despite her gut telling her not to touch that alcohol, she did anyways. When she picked up the cup, the scent made her stomach spin and her nerves bounce as she listened to the chaos around her.

It didn't take long.

Alcoholism was in her blood. She started to help flush away the anxiety. Once she started, she didn't stop for awhile. It didn't help that she was only 5 foot 4 and a tiny person. She was on the verge of tipsy and drunk when she saw Liz disappear with her boyfriend. Maggie frowned, putting her cup down, forcing herself to stop. She waited, but Liz didn't come out. Maggie decided it was enough and she didn't want to risk it. Men were starting to get frisky, taking moves on others and a few on herself, which she pushed herself away. Maggie went onto the porch, seeing multiple college students out there. She lifted up her phone, looking at the screen.

3:29 am.


Damnit, she thought. I should've charged it. However, Liz was always responsible. She didn't think she'd need to.

She immediately called Danny, going to voicemail, her voice speeding in a slur.

"I'm uh a bit tipsy and I dunno where Liz is and she is the, the um driver and I don't, I forgot to charge my phone... my phone and it's about to die and I don't want to die so can you send one of your friends to pick me up please I don't... I don't remember the address... um..." and with that, her phone died. Maggie sighed, hoping Danny would wake up. The thought of being alone at a college party made her anxiety go nuts, not to mention that somebody can easily take advantage of her. Despite Danny's parents teaching her how to use guns and how to defend herself, alcohol fucked her mind up bad. She got that from her father.

Maggie wandered inside, feeling her head start to drift off. She went up the stairs, walking until she found an empty room, walking inside and shutting the door. She stood, leaning against the wall as her mind drifted in and out.

Danny woke up to the voicemail ringtone, sighing as he looked at his phone screen. He saw the missed call, and his voice dropped when he heard the voicemail. Danny went to call one of his friends, but his gut told him not to. Instead, he remembered what Leland had said to him the night he dropped Maggie off. Maggie would be in the best hands with them... so that's who he called.

"What's up?" Leland asked as he picked up the phone.

"Did I wake you up?" Danny asked.

"Nah, we just got back from a bounty. I'm sittin' here with my dad," Leland replied. "What's going on?"

"Well, Maggie went back to college today and I just got a voicemail from her. Her phone died halfway through. She's at a party and sounds drunk... her designated driver is nowhere to be found. She doesn't remember the address. All I know is it's on campus with very loud music... and we're out of state, otherwise I'd go get her myself. I have a bad feeling about asking any of my friends-"

"I'm on my way," Leland said.

"Are you sure? I feel bad asking you-"

"I'm on my way, I don't mind. I'll take care of it don't worry," Leland said. "Text me the campus address and I'll find her."

It didn't take long for Leland to arrive at the campus. He drove around with the windows down, listening for any music. It wasn't difficult for him to spot the party. He parked his truck, getting out of it and locking the doors, stepping up onto the porch. He took out his phone, pulling up the picture of Maggie from Mike's file. He showed it to a drunk girl on the porch. "Have you seen her here?" Leland asked her. The girl nodded and looked at him.

"She was standing out here and then went inside. She looked done."

"Thank you," Leland nodded, putting his phone in his pocket and going inside. He looked around the main rooms, not spotting her. He continued to look around, not seeing her anywhere.

Maggie fell to the floor, her head going in and out. She took a breath, hearing the door creak open as she looked up. Leland's face popped in, seeing her. She squinted her eyes.

"Danny called you?" Maggie slurred as Leland approached her.

"He did, and I'm glad he did. Come on," Leland held his hand out. Maggie grabbed it, Leland pulled her up and put his arm around her waist to help her walk as they began to leave the house. "Are you okay?"

"I'm perfectly fine," Maggie said with a big smile.

"Yeah, sure you are," Leland chuckled as he opened his truck door, helping her in. "Sure you are."

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