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Maggie smiled, watching as Leland woke up, sitting on the edge of the bed, putting his clothes back on, turning to see her, where she smiled and waved.

"Ready for Christmas Eve, Chapman edition?" Leland asked. Maggie looked at him, offering a small nod. "Well, it's gonna be a long day, I'll warn you now," he gives her a kiss before standing up, sliding on a clean shirt and walking out of his room, being greeted by Bonnie who was wearing a Christmas themed shirt. Maggie sat up, running a hand through her hair before getting dressed herself. She walked downstairs, putting her hair up as she smelt pancakes and bacon. She walked into the kitchen, seeing Leland and Duane Lee already fighting over something, wrestling on the ground. Leland had his legs wrapped around Duane Lee's waist, Duane Lee trying to push him off by digging into his ribs. Leland held on tight as Duane Lee fell to the floor. Leland smiled, holding him down and then standing in victory.

"Alright boys, calm down," Beth said as she handed them each a plate of breakfast. She handed Maggie one as well, motioning to the living room where the kids were already digging in. Maggie thanked her for the food, sitting in between Gary and Bonnie, beginning to eat. "So, Big Daddy and I need to do some last minute Christmas shopping for tonight," Beth said as she came around the corner, looking at Leland, Duane Lee, Justin and Maggie. "So I need you to keep them occupied and enhance their Christmas spirit with some activities."

"Why," Duane Lee asked.

"Because they are children and need to be occupied today," Beth smiled. "Thank you, we'll be back early afternoon."

After they left, the 'kids' watched a couple movies before getting up and getting ready to go sledding and skiing. They took Leland's truck, all fitting in the 7-passenger SUV perfectly. While sledding, of course, Leland and Duane Lee got into a competition over who could go faster - Leland winning. Then, Gary and Justin started a snowball fight, resulting in the entire crew participating. After a few hours out in the snow, they all got in the truck and went back to the house. Each of them changed into dry clothes, Maggie and Cecily made hot chocolate for everybody, and finally, Beth and Duane came back. Beth began cooking dinner, Maggie stepped in and helped her. Dinner consisted of multiple different homemade appetizers.

After everybody filled their plates with food, they all sat down in the living room. Maggie put her plate down and wanted to start off the presents - where she gave her first one to Duane.

Maggie didn't expect for them to get her anything, but they did. It was like she was part of the family.

It was an amazing evening, however, Gary didn't want to go to sleep. Beth, Leland and Maggie sat him down and told him he needs to go to bed, otherwise Santa isn't going to come.

Maggie smiled, taking Gary upstairs so she could make sure he went in his room, and then she shut his door and went into Leland's room, sighing of relief at how amazing she felt to be there, in this house, feeling apart of this family.

The next morning was a doozy. The kids opened their Santa gifts and then they ate a big breakfast prepared by Maggie and Beth. Afterwords, the family spent the day together doing different Christmas activities - finishing the day off with a prayer.

Maggie spent her vacation at that house - everybody enjoying her company. She helped cook and clean, and watched the kids whenever Leland, Justin and Duane Lee weren't too keen on it. After her vacation, however, the fun came to an end when she had to go back to school.

She sat down at her desk, sighing as she took out her laptop and began working on her first assignment.

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