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"Leland," Maggie repeated, seeing him run out of the house, his eyes closed and covered in mace.

"I can't see, I can't see," Leland repeated, pacing around and panicking.

"Beth! Grab my backpack!" Maggie shouted as she grabbed Leland's shoulders. He was freaking out as if he was on drugs, couldn't stop moving and his eyes closed. He was in so much pain that he kept scratching and slapping his head. "Leland, stop," Maggie said quietly, taking his shirt, covered in mace and pulling it off of him. Beth ran up, taking her jacket off and giving it to Leland to wipe his face while Maggie dug into her first aid kit.

"He hit me with a fucking bike and I can't-" Leland paced away, screaming at the top of his lungs as he ripped the hair tie out of his hair, slapping his head.

"Leland," Maggie said, grabbing his arms. "Stay still for a second, please," Maggie begged, spraying chemical rinsing agent all over his face.

"I can't breath, I can't," he was wheezing, nearly falling over.

"Sit down," Maggie said, helping him down. "Don't touch your face. Take a breath. You're having a reaction to the mace, you ingested too much of it," she said, opening a box of her first aid kit and grabbing a bottle of water, pouring it over his face. She wiped it down and then sprayed the chemical rinse over his face,

"I'm... I can't..." he started fading in and out, dizziness taking over and he was wheezing. She pulled his head down onto her lap as she rubbed the rinsing agent off his face.

"Is your throat closing up?" Maggie asked him, rinsing his hair with water.

"Yeah," Leland mumbled, his eyes still closed as he faded in and out.

"That's the mace, irritating your throat. The combination with getting hit in your head with that is making your body react, if you start to feel tired don't panic, okay? I'm right here, nothing's going to happen," she said quietly as she rinsed out his hair some more.

"Where's the fugitive?" Dog asked as he showed up.

"Cuffed upstairs bathroom," Leland mumbled as Maggie helped him sit up. "I think it's him, I couldn't see nothin'," Leland opened his eyes, that were bright red and burning. Maggie looked at him, spraying some more rinse in his eyes.

"Can you see me?" Maggie asked him.

"Everythin's blurry and spinning," Leland responded.

"You ingested too much of the mace too fast and he must've hit you in the head really hard," she said quietly, tying his hair back in a ponytail. She rinsed her hands off, standing up and helping him up, where he looked around, recouping as he saw Duane Lee pull the fugitive out of the building. Leland took the crew through the trail they ran through, explaining what happened.

"He hit me in the head with a bike, I maced him, he kept running, took me down here and we wrestled for a few seconds, he took my gear off and started running again, he threw this hammer at me, I chased him into the bathroom where I maced him, it got everywhere, including up my nose and in my mouth. I couldn't see and cuffed him, then heard Maggie yelling and ran downstairs because I couldn't see shit," Leland explained, catching his breath.

"You're bleeding," Duane Lee laughed as he pointed at his head.

"No shit, I got hit with a fucking bike," Leland responded.

"What's the verdict?" Dog asked, looking at Maggie.

"He's okay, a bad concussion I'm guessing, that's why he was about to pass out. Um, he also used the strong mace, which was a big mistake, and I will not be surprised if he throws up in an hour because his digestive system will not be very happy," Maggie responded, looking from Leland to Duane. "But he'll be okay."

"I've ever seen you cry like such a baby before," Duane Lee laughed. Leland laughed, taking his mace covered shirt and throwing it towards Duane Lee.

"I'll hit you with a bike and spray you if you think you're so strong," Leland said, smiling as he grabbed his mace.

"No thank you," Duane Lee chuckled, blocking his face. Maggie rolled her eyes as she got in the car, waiting for the boys to stop fighting.

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