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Maggie sat next to Leland as Dog explained the bounty.

"Maggie," he said. "You've been with us for over a month now, what are you looking for first when you see the fugitive?"

"The scar on her cheek," Maggie said quietly, smiling.

"Good job," Dog nodded, writing down some more information. Maggie watched, quietly as she listened. After dog finished, they got ready, heading off in their trucks. Beth noticed how lovey dovey Leland and Maggie were, but she didn't say anything, just smiled to herself.

The bounty lasted a few days, it was a difficult one. But eventually, Duane Lee got a lead where Beth handcuffed the female fugitive, who sat between Beth and Dog on the ride to the jail. After they got back, Maggie got a call from Danny. She smiled, happy as hell, answering the phone call. She talked to him about 20 minutes in her room, explaining what has happened, including everything with Leland.

"Oh, I gotta talk to him," Danny said on the other line, getting ready.

"Be nice," Maggie said quietly, eyeing Leland as he walked into the doorway. She handed him the phone, whispering "I'm sorry" before walking out of the room, smiling to herself as she walked downstairs. Leland laughed nervously as he slowly made his way down the stairs, coming slowly with a nervous and worried look on his face.

"Okay, oh of course," Leland nodded, eyeing his father.

"Who's he talking to?" Duane, or Dog, asked Maggie.

"Danny," she said quietly, smiling.

"Why's he scared?" Duane asked.

"Why do you think?" Duane Lee asked his father.

"Ohh," Duane nodded. Maggie looked at Duane Lee, glaring as Leland nervously laughed, looking at Maggie for help. Maggie shook her head, smiling.

"Okay, oh okay," Leland nodded, "of course." Leland widened his eyes, handing the phone to Duane. "Good luck."

Dog chuckled, taking the phone as he began talking to Danny. "Oh yeah, she's doing great. There were a couple close calls, but she's doing great." He laughed. "Yeah, actually she saved that bounty, we would've never caught him if she didn't notice what was happening............ yeah, I am..." he looked at Leland. "Oh don't worry, Beth's taking care of that. Duane Lee is too." He chuckled. After the phone call, Leland took Maggie out to the beach to go surfing.

"It's fine, I get why he's worried," Leland said, smiling as they began to go in the water.

"Thank you," she said softly, starting to swim with the board. Leland kept an eye on her, knowing she was a beginner surfer and didn't want anything to happen to her.

They surfed for an hour, the sun almost about to go down when they decided to take a break. Leland had packed some dinner for them, which they sat on the shore and ate, watching the few other surfers. After that, they both went back in the water. Maggie went a bit away from Leland, where a large wave appeared in the distance. Maggie frowned, knowing she might as well attempt it. Leland watched her as the wave came. She was able to successfully get on the board, lasting a few seconds on the wave before something went wrong, whether her balance was off or she slipped, the board flipped, and she fell off. The wave toppled over her, where Leland panicked and began to swim over. He got where her board was, panicking as the water was so chaotic and he couldn't spot her anywhere. He dove down under water, looking around where he spotted her a bit under, swimming to the top. Her body was so small that it was difficult for her, yet she held her breath. Leland swam down, pulling her up to air.

"Wow," Maggie said, taking a deep breath of air, holding onto Leland and her board. "How long was I under?"

"It felt like a long time, but I'm gonna guess a minute or two, which is still a long time," he said. "Are you okay? What happened?"

"I got distracted..." she said quietly, looking away from him as they made their way back to shore.

"By what?" He asked. Maggie smiled in embarrassment, looking at him. "What?"

"The sunset... it was... illuminating you," she said, placing her hand on his abdomen, patting it. "It was a night sight. Definitely worth it." Leland rolled his eyes.

"You love you scare me, don't you?"

"I can hold my breath for awhile," she said quietly. "Yet another one of my father's traits I have."

"You're not your father," Leland said, looking at her as they walked through the water. He gave her a kiss. "Trust me. You aren't."

"I know..." she said softly, picking her board up. "It just sucks that I don't have much to tell me anything about my mom."

"All I know is," he wrapped his arm around her. "Your mother must've been really short because you don't get that from your father." Maggie rolled her eyes, laughing as Leland grabbed his board and they made their way up the beach. They got home, showered, and as if it was routine, Maggie crawled up in Leland's bed, hugging him tight.

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