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It was a couple weeks worth of classes for Maggie and bounties for the Chapmans. Leland came jogging down the steps of their Colorado home, meeting his family in the living room.

"Maggie says Jake and Terry want to have us over for dinner tonight, I think it'd be a good time to talk to her about the fugitive instead of tomorrow," Leland informed them.

"And a good time to talk to her about the trip," Dog grinned. "I'm not sure yet, but I'll know when the time comes. Tell her we'll be there and ask if we can bring anything."

The group arrived at the farm around 1 pm, mainly because Danny and Maggie were going to give them a tour of the land and then ride around in quads for a couple hours before dinner. When they showed up, everybody chose a quad and then began driving, including the little 8 year old twins, who were told to follow Maggie or Danny.

The group drove around for a couple hours, too many trails to get bored on. Eventually, they started to regroup back at the house and all sat down for dinner. Maggie sat between Sarah and Danny, Leland across from her who sat between Dog and Duane Lee. After introductions and Dog thanked them, they began eating.

"So," Dog started as everybody began to finish their plates. "When's your last day of college for the year?" he asks Maggie.

"I'm a couple weeks, May 4th," Maggie replied as she sat back in her chair. Dog glanced between the other Chapman's, all offering him a nod. "What?"

"I wanted to talk to you..."

"About what?" Maggie asked, thinking it was about Mike.

"Leland suggested that you come up to Hawaii with us this summer, help us with bounties and the animals," Dog smiled a little. "After seeing how you handle yourself, along with how good you are with kids and animals... it'd be a blessing to have somebody like you on our team for a couple months."

Maggie's has dropped, and she looked at Jake and Terry. "Don't look at us," Jake grinned. "You're an adult now. You can make your own decisions."

"I know, but..." Maggie frowned. "Will you guys be okay?"

"Of course, we have Danny and the rest of them. We'll be fine, don't worry about us," Terry smiled. "You've been through hell and helped us so much. You deserve this."

"If you guys want to come too, you're invited," Dog smiled.

"No thank you," Jake shook his head. "I'm more of a country person, and so are they."

Maggie smiled, looking at Leland and then Dog. "You're serious?"

"Yep," Dog nodded. "You'd come live with us."

"Okay," Maggie smiled, jittery. Dog and Beth laughed. "Thank you-"

"No, thank you," Dog said. "We'll get a flight arranged for you, but there aren't a lot during the day so you'll most likely be coming in around 2 am."

"Will you be okay on a plane by yourself?" Terry asked.

"I'm an adult," Maggie mocked.

"I know, but I also know you get nervous in crowds," Terry grinned. Maggie rolled her eyes.

"I can fly in," Leland said. He looked at his father and brother, who gave him mocking looks.

"That'll work," Beth said. "He can meet her at the airport and fly in with her," she smiled.

After they arranged their plans, Dog pulled Maggie aside to discuss one more thing. He held up a mugshot, and Maggie's face sank.

"Do you know who this is?" Dog asked.

"Yeah... he's one of the guys next door to my apartment..." Maggie sighed, taking the paper from him.

"All he did was miss his court date, we saw the address and remembered where your apartment is. We thought it might be better if you talk to him."

"Yeah... of course," Maggie nodded, sighing as she looked at the picture. "I'm going back tomorrow... I can talk to him. He'll turn himself in, he will."

"If he's compliant we'll bail him back out," Dog said. "Most people don't realize that. That's why they get scared and run."

"I'll talk to him, and then you guys can come up and get him," she said with a small nod.

As agreed, the following morning, the Chapmans showed up outside of Maggie's apartment building, waiting for a text message or phone call. Finally, Leland got a text.

'Come up.'

The group came into the building, going up to Maggie's apartment and slowly opening the door. The student, Ryan, stood in the kitchen with a doubtful face.

"Hey Ryan," Dog said, shaking his hand.

"He's turning himself in," Maggie said softly.

"Thank you," Dog said. "We'll bring you in and start the paperwork to bail you back out. Why did you miss court?"

"There's just a lot going on," Ryan said quietly.

"Alright, well next time you gotta call us, okay? If you keep being compliant we'll keep you out."

"Okay," Ryan nodded, agreeing. As the group left the building, Leland was last to leave the apartment. He turned to Maggie and offered a gentle grin.

"I'll see you in a couple weeks," he said. Maggie nodded.

"I guess you will."

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