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"We need your help on this bounty," Dog said over the phone. "He's a male, 48, about Leland's size but a very fast runner, he's been running from us for the past week and his bail is $250,000. Are you able to help us?"

"I don't have class until Tuesday, that's 3 days, counting today. Is that enough time?" Maggie asked. "I'll have to turn in an assignment though, I can work on it in the car."

"Perfect, we'll pick you up in 30 minutes," Dog hung up the phone.

Maggie smiled, excited for the bounty. She loves every opportunity to hunt with them, she loves the adrenaline and she loves helping them, along with spending time with the whole group. Maggie got suited up, along with packing her bag with her first aid supplies, as always, and adding in her laptop and a notebook so she can do her schoolwork in the car. She got in Beth and Leland's truck as usual, Leland driving.

"It's an hour ride so get comfy," Leland said. Maggie smiled.

"Perfect," she opened up her laptop and began typing away. Maggie finished her assignment rather quickly, passing it in and tucking her laptop and notebook under the seat to keep it safe, while they went on with the bounty all day. They stopped for dinner at a restaurant, where Duane Lee made fun of Leland and Maggie for sitting next to each other, and they discussed the rest of the hunt. Duane Lee got a call from an informant, explaining that the fugitive, Devin, was spotted in a neighborhood nearby, where the crew took off. They began searching the neighborhood.

"He's in that house," Lyssa whispered to the group, pointing to one of the houses. The group surrounded the house and began looking around, Maggie and Leland splitting up so whoever spots him, one of the two runners, Maggie or Leland, will be nearby to run. "He's right here, he's running!" Lyssa shouted. Maggie ran around the corner, watching as Leland hopped a fence, running full force and disappearing behind the houses, fences and trees. The group went in a panic when they realized they lost Leland and the fugitive, not being able to find either anywhere.

"Get in the cars and start searching!" Dog ordered everybody. Maggie and Beth got in one truck, the rest of the group getting in the other as everybody began driving around, looking for Leland.

"Leland, where are you, where are you?" Beth asked in her radio as she drove. Maggie was panicking, worried for Leland.

"He dropped his radio," Dog responded.

"Did you see anybody running?" Maggie asked a woman out of the window. She nodded and pointed down a small trail, where Beth turned and somehow squeezed the truck through. Finally, after about a half an hour, Beth found a small trail where Leland's radio was, along with his badge. Maggie got out of the truck, walking up the trail to one of the many surrounding houses, seeing Leland's vest and smelling mace. "Leland?" Maggie shouted, hearing Leland shouting in the distance.

"I can't see!" He shouted, panicking. "I can't," Leland fell to the ground, gasping for breath.

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