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"My boss drove me home," Maggie said to Leland through FaceTime as she heated up some pasta.


"Married with 4 kids and like an uncle," Maggie said, knowing what Leland was thinking. "Don't worry." She smiled, grabbing her bowl from the microwave and going into her bedroom, sitting at her desk and putting a notebook on the desk. "How's it going? Is Duane Lee feeling any better?"

"No," Leland sighed. "He threw up twice today, I'm starting to think he isn't faking it," he chuckled.

"He had a fever, he isn't faking it," Maggie smiled. "It sounds like pneumonia," she said. "I don't know why his doctor said it was just a cold."

"We don't know whether he needs to see a doctor again or just wait it out," Leland said. "What do you think?"

"If you really care about your brother, be his doctor. Keep track of his fever, how much he eats and drinks. If things get worse tomorrow, let me know. I'm not working tomorrow or have classes so I'll answer my phone. If he throws up after every time he eats, take him to the hospital for a quick sick appointment, not the ER. If his fever goes over 103, go to the hospital. If you take it and it's over 104, give him Tylenol and then go to the hospital. Make sure he's drinking and, as much as I hate to say it, he shouldn't go on a bounty unless he's all peppy and feeling better. He needs sleep and fluids."

"Alrighty," Leland said. "Should somebody stay with him?"

"Yes," Maggie nodded. "If Cecily is home she can handle it."

"Okay," Leland sighed. "You think he'll be better in a few days? We got a big one we're going after at the end of the week."

"He should - if he doesn't then the hospital has to do something. A cold doesn't last 6 days, getting worse and worse every day, causing a fever, nauseousness and lethargy to the extent he has it." She began to write down answers to some of the homework she was given, rewriting some of her notes as well.

"It's nice having you, because whenever we go in a hospital everybody is swarmin' around us and paparazzi is there and it's annoyin'," Leland smiled a little.

"I like practicing with real life scenarios, putting my schooling to use," She grinned, taking a bite of her food. After a few moments of silence, she sighed. "I miss you guys."

"We miss you too, especially me," Leland said softly, resting his head against his pillow. Maggie smiled, looking at him. "You feeling okay?"

"Yeah," she nodded. "I'm just tired. Hopefully I'll be seeing Danny tomorrow when he brings up my car. Then it won't be as lonely."

"I'm sorry," Leland sighed.

"It's not your fault," she responded. "I love having an apartment to myself, but with how busy my schedule is I have no time to talk to people."

"Hang in there," Leland said. "We'll be up eventually."

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