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"It's CHRISTMAS BREAK!" Maggie shouted, Sarah and Zach giggling as they ran up to Maggie, hugging her tight. "I'm home until January 21st," Maggie said happily, hugging the twins. Maggie grinned as she hugged Jake and Terry, greeting both of them. "So what's going on with your mom?" Maggie asked Terry, looking at her sad eyes.

"She's not doing well, she's in the hospital again and she's confused, they think she'll make it but we have to go up and spend the Christmas with her, she's giving the nurses and doctors a tough time," Terry said softly. "My goal was to have them all up here like we normally do, but she's going to be in the hospital, so we're going up to see her and stay with her instead, this may or may not be her last Christmas."

"You know you're more than welcome to come with us, however I know Duane Lee is waiting to spend a Christmas with you," Jake smiled.

"I love how you say Duane Lee and not Leland," Maggie laughs. "So you guys gotta leave now?"

"Yeah," Terry sighed. Maggie frowned, hugging the two, along with hugging Danny and the twins. They left, leaving Maggie to pack a few things for spending her winter vacation with the Chapmans, locking up the farm, leaving it ready for the farm employees to take care of the animals, before leaving in her car to the Chapmans house, where she was happily greeted by Gary and Bonnie, throwing snow at her. She laughed, putting her backpack on and walking with them into the house.

It didn't take long for Maggie and Leland to start baking cookies for everybody. Maggie wanted to show Leland how to bake, so that's what they did. After the cookies came out of the oven and were ready for icing, Duane Lee stepped in. It suddenly became a contest between the two brothers over who is the better cookie decorator. Maggie stepped back, letting the men brawl it out as they yelled at each other. Over cookie decorating.

"Okay," Leland said. "Maggie, you choose which one wins."

"But you can't discriminate based upon your relationships," Duane Lee said. Maggie rolled her eyes, admiring the cookies.

"Well Leland's Rudolph looks pretty neat," Maggie said.

"Ha," Leland smiled.

"But Duane Lee's snowman looks pretty hot," she nodded.

"Ha!" Duane Lee chuckled. Maggie smiled, grabbing the Rudolph and eating it as she walked away, sitting on the couch next to Gary as she finished off her cookie. Leland smiled, sitting down next to Maggie, wrapping his arm around her. Duane Lee smiled, taking this opportunity and sitting down next to Leland, wrapping his arm around Leland's shoulders.

"You're lonely, you need a girlfriend," Gary said, eating his own cookie. Leland and Maggie laughed.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Maggie asked Gary, looking down at him.

"Yep," Gary nodded with evil eyes.

"Who?" Maggie asked.

"You," he laughed. Maggie widened her eyes, looking at Leland who was laughing.

"I'm Leland's girlfriend though," she said softly, looking at Gary.

"Not anymore," Gary smiled.

"Wow, Leland are you gonna take that?" Duane Lee asked, chuckling.

"Gary," Beth said, walking in from the next room, hearing the end of the conversation. "My little lady magnet," she hugged him, giving him kisses on the head as he smiled. "Come on, it's bed time my boy," she said with a smile as he got off the couch and ran up the stairs. "Oh my goodness," Beth said, looking at Leland and Maggie.

"He's a funny one," Maggie smiled.

"You got some competition Leland," Duane Lee laughed as he stood up.

"I guess I do."

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