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"Spring break is coming to an end already," Maggie frowned, looking at Leland and running her fingertips along his chest.

"Our trip to Colorado is almost done," Leland frowned, wrapping his arm around her. "I've got to say, coming here nearly every night after the bounties for the past few weeks was very fun."

Maggie laughed. "It's like we're in college together."

Leland smiled. He went to speak, before his phone rang. He sighed, answering it as he sat up. "Hello?" He asked. "Hey Dad... yeah... okay, alright. I'll be there." He hung up and sighed. "He needs me on a bounty."

"Okie dokie," Maggie nodded. "I got homework to do so I'll be here when you get back," she grabbed his hand, smiling a little before letting go.

"It should be a quick one, I'll be back in time to pick up some lunch for you," he pecked her lips before getting dressed and leaving the room. Maggie frowned, sitting up and feeling the same feeling she's had for the past week. She rushed to her bathroom, kneeling over the toilet as she vomited. She sighed, sitting back and resting her head against the wall.

When Leland got back, he walked through the door with a bag of food, smiling when he saw Maggie sitting on her bed doing homework. He walked over to the kitchen table, taking the two Italian grinders he had gotten out of the bag and set them up on plates, bringing them into the room and putting one on Maggie's nightstand, going around to his own side and sitting down next to her, smiling as he took off his bounty gear, placing it on his own nightstand.

"Thank you," she said with a smile as she scribbled down something on her paper. "Did you catch him?"

"Yep, easy one," Leland responded as he continued taking off his bounty gear, securing each part as he took it off to make sure it's safe.

"That's good," Maggie added, sighing as she sat up, letting go of her pencil. "So... I feel like it's important to tell you," she looked at him. "The past week I've been nauseous, cramping and having pains." Leland froze, placing the last piece of equipment on the nightstand as he sat down, looking at her with slight worry. "I took a pregnancy test. It was negative."

He let out a sigh of relief. "You can't scare me like that."

"Sorry," Maggie said quietly.

"Why didn't you take it sooner? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Honestly... I didn't want to worry about anything else... that sounds selfish-"

"No, it doesn't," Leland said softly, holding her hand. "I want you to know you can trust me with anything though, okay?"

"Of course," Maggie smiled.

"Why are you pukin' then?"

"My guess is stress, maybe?" She shrugged. "I'm not too worried," she sighed, picking up her plate and grabbing the sandwich.

Leland sat back, wrapping his arm around her shoulders as he gave her cheek a gentle kiss.

It didn't take long for the Chapmans to have to fly back to Hawaii. Towards the end of April, Maggie had to say goodbye to them before they flew back to Hawaii, promising to fly her out for the summer again.

After driving back to her apartment from saying bye to the Chapmans, she sighed as she sat down at her desk, getting ready to pull an all nighter and continue her homework.

Bounty (Leland Chapman Fanfiction - Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now