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The two weeks went by slowly, Maggie was waiting very impatiently for her trip to Hawaii. She worked her ass off getting all her work done, staying up late nights doing homework and avoiding parties.

But finally, it came.

Maggie had packed a suitcase and a backpack, and after saying goodbye to Jake and Terry and the little ones, Danny drove her to the airport. They pulled up next to Leland, who was standing outside with a backpack. He greeted them with a hug, taking Maggie's suitcase from her. "Okay," Danny started, talking to Leland. "She has a huge appetite, so if she's not eating that much, you know something's wrong."

"Daniel," Maggie rolled her eyes. "He's not a babysitter."

"Shut up, you're confusing," Danny continued talking to Leland, who listened with a smile. "She gets nervous in large crowds, for obvious reasons, hence why my mom was worried about her being on a plane alone. Especially since she's targeted by creepy guys often. She is good with weapons and has an LTC, she's really good at throwing knives, that's just some useful information. She gets anxious often and when you get to know her it's easy to tell, you'll figure that out. She doesn't like the smell of certain types of alcohol because it reminds her of Mike. Umm, she likes to wonder in grocery stores, so be careful because she'll come back with armfuls of food and its hard to say no to her." Maggie grinned with a small laugh, giving Leland a 'this is stupid' look. "When she does get anxious, just give her a dog and put on either a Marvel movie or The Walking Dead and she'll calm right down. She handles pain very well so when she says she feels okay, don't be surprised when the doctor tells you she broke 4 ribs and both her arms." Leland chuckled.

"Danny, I'll be okay," Maggie says.

"See? Just like that," Danny smiled. He hugged Maggie tight, and then let go. He looked at Leland. "And also, when she says she wants a medium drink, she really means a large." Leland smiled and nodded.

"Got it," Leland said, shaking Danny's hand.

"You sure you don't want to come?" Maggie asked.

"I'm not a fan of sun, or heat... or people. I like being in the middle of nowhere," Danny smiled, patting Maggie's back. With the final goodbyes, Leland and Maggie took off into the airport. They got past luggage check and eventually boarded the plane. Maggie got window seat, Leland in the aisle.

"You excited?" Leland asked her as the plane took off.

"Yes, very," she laughed a little as she glanced at the surrounding people.

"So obviously its night time, we'll get there around 3 am. Tomorrow, or I should say today, we left empty so you could get settled. I think we have to go on a bounty tomorrow, you can stay home if you're still jet lagged, spend some time with the kids, they're pumped to meet you. How'd your last classes go?"

"Good, I'm tired but I passed," Maggie sighed as she rested her head back.

"What are you going for?"

"I want to be something in pediatrics, I'm going for pediatric surgeon but not sure if I'll make it that far."

"Woah," Leland chuckled.

The two continued to talk throughout the flight, switching back and forth asking questions and answering. The two clicked quickly, and they both recognized that, but didn't say anything about it. After landing, they got out of the airport and into Leland's truck, Maggie being very jet lagged but also wide awake, ready for the sun to rise.

"Are you going to sleep or do you want to stay up?" Leland asked as he began driving.

"I'll probably stay up, it's only a few more hours."

"Alright, you want coffee then?"

"Is anything open?"

"Yep," Leland nodded.

"Then sure," she smiled a little, resting her head back. "Are you all in the same house?"

"For right now, yeah. Duane Lee has his own place, so do I but we've been staying with Dad because he and Beth have been needing some more help with the kids lately, there's been a lot of bounties too so it's easier for us all to be in the same house. Justin is there, too."

After grabbing some coffee, they took off towards the house. Leland grabbed her suitcase and brought it inside, where Duane Lee was sleeping on the couch, snoring away.

"I guess he tried to stay up for us," Leland chuckled, pulling on his ear. Duane Lee groaned, pushing Leland's hand away. "Where is she sleeping, did Beth decide?" Leland asked.

"In the second guest," Duane Lee mumbled, angry as he turned over on his side, falling back to sleep.

Leland got Maggie situated in her room, showing her where the main rooms were - bathroom, kitchen and living room, along with his room if she needed anything. Maggie got some of her stuff unpacked. She didn't have a lot. Afterwards, she walked back out of the room, meeting Leland and Duane Lee in the living room, both now awake. She sat down beside them. The three talked until the sun rose, where people began to wake up. The day went by rather quick as Maggie met everybody, seeing the entire crew and getting a full tour of the house.

Towards the end of the day, Maggie took a quick shower and then got settled in her room, ready to go on a bounty the following day. A dangerous bounty, with a man who has a long record.

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