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"Maggie, we can't do anything without proof," Dog said quietly, eyeing Kevin and Tim who were across the parking lot, Kevin couldn't see them.

"Honey," Maggie knelt down in front of the girl. "I know what he does to do. And I know that he tells you we won't believe you, but I will." Maggie sighed. "My daddy is the same as yours. He told me that nobody would ever believe me," the group watched. All they needed was the girl to admit it to them. "I finally spoke up. He never touched me again. I know everything, but we can't help you until you tell us. But once you do," Maggie held her hand. "I promise you, things will get better."

The girl looked at them. She started crying, when she finally opened her mouth. "He hurts me."

"Is daddy here now?" Maggie asked. "I promise they won't hurt you." Lily nodded. "Where is he?"

"Under the floor," Lily whispered, crying. "Please don't tell them I told you."

"Okay," Maggie scooped up the girl, holding her tight, looking at Dog. Dog was furious, shaking with rage as he and the others went inside the house and continued searching.

"Take her in the truck, lock the doors and give her some food. I'll look into her family members," Beth said. Maggie nodded, following Beth's orders.

It took about an hour until they finally found the fugitive, James, who was hiding under a piece of flooring. Both men were arrested by police, since Dog knew he couldn't keep himself from beating the shit out of them. Afterwards, they opened the truck doors, looking at Maggie who had given Lily the food that Duane Lee packed for his mid-hunt snack.

"Hey honey," Beth said to Lily, who was munching away on a bag of chips. Duane Lee realized it was his and had a half second freak out, before came back to his senses. "Do you know your Aunt? Meredith?"

"Yes," Lily smiled and nodded. "She's nice to me, but I don't see her a lot."

"Has she ever hurt you?" Beth asked.

"Nope," she takes a bite of a chip. "She gives me candy."

"Okay... would you be alright living with her?" Beth asked. Lily nodded. Maggie got out of the truck, taking a deep breath as she watched Lily eat, knowing she's hungry.

The aunt picked up the phone, hearing all the news made her go into a panic as she showed up to pick up Lily. When Maggie saw the two hug, she smiled for a split second. She was holding in so many emotions - she wanted to cry, scream, panic - but she didn't.

"Leland," Dog said quietly as the aunt drove away with Lily after signing paperwork. "Your girlfriend of yours just saved us $78,000." Dog smiled a grin of victory before walking back into the house, seeing Maggie standing by the living room, looking at the setup. He walked up next to her, pulling her into a hug.

"The setup is the same," Maggie said quietly. "And the smell..." she cringed.

"It's okay," Dog said. "She's safe now."

Eventually, the group got in their trucks and began driving back to the house. Maggie avoided talking and eye contact, and instead just looked out the window the ride home. When they got there, Beth began cooking spaghetti for dinner, everybody just calming down in the living room. "How'd you know?" Duane Lee asked.

Maggie looked at him. "The way she was acting, and how the house was set up," she said quietly.

"I think I know what'll make you feel better," Duane Lee said. Maggie glared at him. "Tennis."

"You know," Maggie sighed. "That doesn't sound half bad."

"You got 40 minutes," Beth told them as they jumped up and left to go to the tennis court.  It didn't take long for the men to get fired up, Leland ripped his shirt off in anger and Dog took it off out rage. Duane Lee stood, laughing.

Maggie stepped up, her turn to go against Dog, who made an evil smile and cackled. Throughout the game, they were nearly tied. However, at game point, Maggie won. Then, up against Duane Lee, it was a similar issue. At game point, the game lasted for a long time, before Leland snuck up behind Duane Lee and 'accidentally' fell into him, causing him to miss the ball. This caused a fight between Duane Lee and Leland, where they, once again, started wrestling. Finally, as the sun set, it was time for them to all go in and sit down for dinner. Maggie was finally starting to trust these people, almost think of them as family.

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