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Maggie finished her internship within a month of returning back to school, late September. She was thankful that she did so many hours and so many classes last year - because now her schedule contains work, which Alex told her is 100% adjustable and she can choose whatever hours she wants, and very easy classes which require minimal to no homework. She's gotten to the point of boredom where she wants to work, and then goes in for work. The great thing about the aquarium is there are 3 regular employees there, one being Alex. And between the 3 of them, they can balance taking care of the fish. When Maggie comes in, she focuses on things that need to be done but not urgently - cleaning the tanks, doing water changes, replacing labels. On weekends, they get very busy and can mostly handle it, but having an extra set of hands there helps a lot.

Maggie spent a few days at the farm with Jake, Terry and Danny. Afterwards, she went back to her apartment, sitting down at her desk to do the single page of homework she was given. Afterwards, she laid down on her bed and called Leland to check up with everybody.

"How're you feeling?" Leland asked. Maggie rolled her eyes.

"For the third time today, I'm feeling great. It is October 19th, I am about 30 weeks along and feeling just fine, no memory loss or problems of any kind. You can stop asking," she let out a gentle laugh.

"Okay... well I worked out a deal with my Dad and I'm flying in tonight to stay."

"You didn't have to do that."

"Yes, I did," Leland smiled. "I'm worried sick over here and I just want to see you."

"Okay," she grinned.

"How are your classes?"

"Easy, I don't even have to go to them because of how easy they are. My professors post everything online."

"How's work?"

"Also easy, I worked out a deal with Alex, I don't have to call out or call in, I can show up whenever and just write my hours down."

"So why are you still on campus? Why don't you go to the farm or come to our house?"

"Then work wouldn't be a 2 minute drive down the road."

"Good point, but-"

"Leland," Maggie said softly. "I'm okay. If something happens I'll have time. Don't worry so much. Do you need a ride home tonight?"

"No, Danny is picking me up," Leland said with a grin. Maggie smiled.

"I'm glad you two get along so well. It means a lot to me."

"He's my spirit animal." Maggie laughed.

"Danny is an... interesting one."

"He definitely hides his personality well."

"Yeah, around people he doesn't really know he acts... normal. But when you get to know him he's insane."

"I see that," Leland laughed. "Well he's one of my best friends now... and he offered to pick me up so I'm letting him."

"That's good," Maggie laid on her back, her hand resting on her stomach. "You can tell him to drive you here."

"I'll do that."

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