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"I don't care, all I care is that I'm free! I'm free," I cheered, smiling as I put the stupid graduation hat down.

"For one and a half days, once you put that ring on you aren't free anymore," Duane Lee chuckled.

"Are you kidding?" Beth hissed. "You mean Leland."

"I side with Beth," Danny said, sitting down in a chair. "Maggie is free, she will always be free. Leland is the one who loses all his rights when he marries her."

Leland rolled his eyes.

We made it back to the house, and Maggie didn't hesitate to grab her baby, smiling as she twirled him around, the little boy screeching in giggles.

"So are you guys taking him on your honeymoon?" Cecily asked, sitting down at the counter.

"Well, we were going to, but your Mom offered to take him. We will really be only about 2 hours away, so if he has separation anxiety," she smiled, looking down at him.

"You mean if you have separation anxiety," Duane Lee corrected, smiling.

"Yes, that too," Maggie replied, holding him close.

Eventually, everybody spread to go to sleep. Tomorrow is a big day - it's the final preparation day for the wedding. They had mostly everything planned, but there was one thing that they haven't brought up with one another. But Leland decided he needed to.

"So... do you know who's walking you down the aisle?" Leland asked quietly, putting Sam in his crib.

Maggie looked at Leland. She wasn't mad at him, she was mad at herself. She had put this off because she didn't want to think about it. She sighed. "Jake is an option, I know he'd be glad to do it if I asked, but nobody thinks of him as my father. Danny is an option... but... I just don't feel right asking him, he's like a brother," she sighed, sitting down on the bed, her fingers fiddling in her lap. "I don't think... I'm just going to walk myself. It doesn't really matter to me."

Leland's voice was soft as he sat down next to her. "When a lady doesn't have a father, her brother usually does it, or an uncle. We can ask Danny, I'm sure he'd love to." Maggie looked down at her hands. Leland placed his hand on top of hers, steadying them. "You can't walk yourself down. What if you fall? We don't need you breaking your neck." Maggie let out a small laugh, nodding.

"Okay, okay. Danny will do it."

"Alright," Leland smiled, pulling her in for a hug, giving her lips a gentle kiss.

The next day was a bit of a disaster.

Well, a huge disaster.

The run through went terribly, almost everybody fell down or tripped, forgot where they were supposed to be, or, in Lyssa's case, puked.

Yes, Lyssa threw up, because of how worked up she was with her brothers.

"Everything that could've went bad, went bad," Maggie mumbled, running her hands through her hair. Duane sat down in front of her, sighing as he got her eye contact.

"There's something special about our family, Maggie," he began, a quiet voice. "We make mistakes, a lot of them. And when we do, we don't get mad. We laugh them off. Even if Leland falls and breaks both legs, it'll still be a phenomenal wedding. All that matters for us, is that the family is together. It's just us, Maggie. No matter what happens, it'll be okay, because we have each other's backs."

Maggie smiled, looking up at him. "Thank you."

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