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Eventually, Maggie's happy break ended and she returned back to school. Her stress came back, getting less than 4 hours of sleep every night, balancing a job with high level college classes along with a head start with a paid internship at a nearby hospital. Thankfully, she has her fathers genes when it comes to balancing many things - being able to get minimal sleep and still function. That was one of very few traits of his that she was proud of.

Somehow, on top of school, a job, and an internship, she managed to take care of her fish tank, keep her apartment clean and going on the occasional bounty with the Chapmans, who were going to be staying in Colorado for awhile.

Maggie got home from work at 11, sighing as she sat down at her desk and began to do her homework, when she got an unexpected visitor. She smiled, standing up and hugging Lyssa, who had brought her dinner. "I wanted to visit and Leland said you get home at 11 and spend a couple hours on homework, so I thought I'd bring you some dinner."

"Thank you, Lyssa," Maggie smiled.

"I know you're probably exhausted, anything I can help with?"

"No thanks, it's nice just having company," she laughed, sitting back down.

"I don't want to stop you from doing what you gotta do, I just needed some time away from my family," she laughed, sitting down on the bed and eating her own food.

"I get that, you're welcome here whenever you want. We gotta spend more time together, away from bounties," Maggie smiled, digging into her food while doing her schoolwork. The two continued talking, loving one another's company.

"I'm not sure about that one," Maggie laughed. "I can see it happening though-" Maggie got cut off by a loud banging on her door, just before the doorknob wiggled, a lock picking as the door opened.

"Maggie," a man's voice shouted. Maggie recognized it immediately, jumping up and slamming her bedroom door shut, locking it.

"Call the police, it's Derek," Maggie whispered to Lyssa, going to her bed and digging underneath it, pulling out the box that Duane Lee gave her for her birthday. Maggie put a cartridge in the taser, handing the mace to Lyssa as she asked the police to come to the building, reporting a break in. "What do you want," Maggie asked through the door, tucking the taser in her belt as she went to the door.

"I just want to talk," he said, standing on the other side of the door.

Maggie opened the door, knowing Derek and his anger issues. If she didn't, he would flip out, possible breaking the door in. If she complied and listened to him, it would buy them some time. Maggie stepped out of the room, looking at Derek who was high as a kite. His bright green eyes, bloodshot, his dark black hair, messed up from his hands repeatedly running through it. Maggie watched him, taking a breath. "I want you to leave."

"I want to talk, Maggie," he said angrily. "What you did to me was not right," his voice was getting louder and louder as he talked. "You screwed me over. You," he put his finger on her shoulder, causing her to back up away from him. He was tweaking, twitching as he talked. "Fucked me up."

Lyssa listened on the other end while the police dispatcher told her that the closest available unit is about 20 minutes away, Lyssa panicked, hanging up the phone when she heard Derek beginning to shout.

"We can talk this out," Maggie said, not a stutter or hint of fear in her voice. She watched his hands closely, a skill that Dog taught her, watching as he kept reaching for his back but then stopped, realizing that he has some sort of weapon, she kept her distance. If he wasn't a football playing jock, she would've already charged for him. But he might be able to outrun her, and he is stronger than her. So she ran over everything Dog has taught her - knowing her best bet was to stall and comply with him until help arrives. She didn't know what weapon he had, whether it was a knife or a weapon that could kill both her and Lyssa, so she didn't want to take the chance.

"Oh, yeah," Derek nodded, moving towards the door. He clicked the door locked. "We will talk this out."

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